IV. Update your security information (hint questions).

ASCENDER ParentPortal > My Account > Security Information

Security Questions & Answers

Security questions and answers are used to verify your identity if you have forgotten your password. You can change the question, the answer, or both at any time.

Security Questions section of My Account page

❏ Click Update Security Question.

A pop-up window opens.

Update Hint Questions pop-up window


Select a question to which you will provide an answer. This question will be asked in the event that you lose your password.


Type the answer to the question.

You will be required to answer the question correctly in order to recover your password. Be sure to select a question for which you will easily remember your answer.

IMPORTANT: The answer is case-sensitive (i.e., you must always type it exactly as it is entered here, including uppercase and lowercase letters).

❏ Click Save.