ASCENDER ParentPortal Release Notes


Welcome to ASCENDER ParentPortal!

New Features:

Responsive Design

Implemented responsive design so the page works as well on any mobile device as it does on a personal computer. As the screen size is reduced, the elements on the page are rearranged so that they stack vertically.

The link to the mobile app was removed from the Login page, because it is no longer necessary to have two versions of the product.

Login page in responsive mode


Added tools allowing districts to add a custom image to the login page and customize the color scheme.

snippet District Settings page showing picture selector

snippet District Settings page showing color selector

Parent Login Page

Redesigned and reorganized the page to improve the appearance and usability:

Parent Login page

• The Create Account buttons replaced the New txConnect User and Have a new student links.

• The District Name Documents section replaced the Need Documents link.

• The language selection option is at the top-right corner. Note that on a mobile device, you must tap the menu in the top-right corner to access the language selection field.

Langauge selection in responsive mode

NOTE: On a mobile device you must tap Login to see the login fields and button.

Student and Page Navigation

Redesigned and reorganized the navigation throughout the application:

Parent Navigation changes

• Menu items are now listed along the left side of the page in a navigation drawer rather than across the top.

• The left-side navigation drawer can be collapsed by clicking the three bars menu drawer icon at the top of the page. Click the bars again to re-display the navigation drawer. On a mobile device, tap the bars to view the navigation column.

• The My Account page and logout can be accessed from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, as well as from the bottom of the left-side navigation bar My Account icon and Logout icon.

• An alerts icon Alerts icon with count is displayed at the top of the page. The number of alerts for the selected student is indicated as a number in a red circle.

• The selected student is displayed in the top-left corner and on all pages below the title.

Parent Account Registration

Simplified the process of verifying email address and mobile number so that there are fewer steps.

Contact Info fields

Parent My Account Page

Added student cards that simplify access to the pages where you can enroll a new student, link and already enrolled student, maintain current year student data, or view user accounts associated with a student.

snippet of My Account page showing student cards

Parent Summary Page

Added a student summary card for each student who has been added to your ParentPortal account. The card displays the number of unread alerts for your student (according to your alert settings). During the Returning Student Registration period, you can easily access pages for registering the student as well as see the student's progress toward completion of registration.

snippet of Summary page showing student cards

Parent Attendance Page

Added a color-coded legend and the ability to see all absences only or all attendance (including tardies).

Absences only

All attendance

Admin District Settings

Added the ability to create customized security questions which are used to enable parents to reset a lost password.

Added the ability to add website links that are displayed to parents on the Links page. Previously, this was done using an external config file.

snippet of District Settings page showing Security Questions

Admin Custom Forms

Added the ability to create custom forms with district-defined questions. The forms can be utilized by parents during Returning Student Registration and Student Data Maintenance.

Custom Form Creator page

Admin Form Creator

Combined the previous Form Management and Form Editor pages into one Form Creator page, simplifying the process of creating static and dynamic forms.

Form Creator page

Admin Form Group Management

Added new pages to the menu which simplify the process of setting up groups of forms for New Student Enrollment, Returning Student Registration, Student Data Maintenance, and Public Documents.

Form Group Management pages

Admin Site Statistics

Added site analytical data displayed in interactive graphs. Data can be downloaded in CSV format.

Admin Alert Settings

Added a page that provides tools for managing the alert services and security settings. Previously, these settings were managed using an external config file.

Admin Alert Settings page