Registration > Reports > Create Registration Report
Data in the Student category can be verified for students by creating a customized report in Registration. Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.
Special Education > Reports > Create Special Ed CY Report
Data in the Student category can be verified for students in the ESY program by creating a customized report in Special Education. Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.
Registration Reports > Program > SRG1200 - Student Status Changes by Program
SRG1200 provides a list of student status in all programs. Set the Print Enroll Records parameter to Y. Use the report to verify eligibility, attribution code, and campus of residence.
Run SRG1200 with the Print Gifted/Talented Records parameter set to Y and leave other program parameters blank. Review and correct data.
Registration Reports > Student > SRG1800 - Enrollment by District of Residence
SRG1800 provides a list of students who were enrolled during the selected attendance cycle, grouped by district of residence. Use the report to verify campus ID of residence (CIR).