NOTE: To create records for a new school year, use the utility on Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Responsibility.
NOTE: For instructional staff, the 30090 records may come from staff demo record in Personnel or from the master schedule in ASCENDER Grade Reporting, or both, depending on how your district is set up.
Reported Elements from Responsibility:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0721 | C021 | ROLE-ID | Role ID |
E0724 | C022 | SERVICE-ID | Service ID |
E0747 | C030 | POPULATION-SERVED-CODE | Pop Served |
E0170 | —- | NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS | # of Students |
E1056 | —- | CLASS-ID-NUMBER | # of Students When extracting from the master schedule, the class ID number is set to the course number (four to eight digits) + two-digit section number + one-digit semester number + padding with zeros. Example: 0901-11-1-0000000 |
E1055 | C179 | CLASS-TYPE-CODE | Class Type |
E1057 | —- | MONTHLY-MINUTES | Monthly Minutes NOTE: Monthly Minutes is required for counselors. |
E1015 | C169 | ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE | ESC/SSA This is reported by ESCs only; the field is not valid for school districts. |
E1604 E1605 E1606 E1607 | —- | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 | Days Wk 1 Days Wk 2 Days Wk 3 Days Wk 4 These fields only apply to instructors who are the Teacher of Record for a course-section associated with a PE service ID. |
E1608 E1609 E1610 E1611 | —- | NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 | Min Wk 1 Min Wk 2 Min Wk 3 Min Wk 4 These fields only apply to instructors who are the Teacher of Record for a course-section associated with a PE service ID. |