Complex Type: SectionExtension

Description: Represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students for a given period of time.

For Submission 3, one record must be submitted for each unique course-section offered during the school year.

The following elements from the SectionExtension complex type are included in Submission 3:

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section

❏ PK-CURRICULA PK Curricula (E1579) is the curricula used in the district’s prekindergarten program section.

❏ HIGH-QUALITY-PK-PROGRAM-INDICATOR High Qual PK Prog (E1580) indicates if the campus-course-section participates in the High Quality PK Program consistent with requirements in TEC 29.167-29.171.

❏ STUDENT-INSTRUCTION Stu Instr (E1558) indicates if the student attends full day, half day morning, or half day afternoon. This only applies to course-sections that use the Pre-Kindergarten service ID (01010000).

❏ PK-SCHOOL-TYPE PK Sch Type (E1555) indicates the PK program offered at the campus for that course-section.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule

❏ COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE Crs Seq (E0948) is the order in which the course was scheduled. This should only be used if the course, or part of the course is taught out of sequence, such as a credit recovery or self-paced course (e.g., the second semester of English I is taught during the first semester). Leave blank if the course is not taught out of sequence. Verify all course sequence codes in the district course and campus section records in the master schedule.

NOTE: This field exists in both the district course and the campus section records. If a code is entered in the section record, it is extracted from the section record. If the code is blank in the section record, the code is extracted from the district course record. If both the district and campus section record codes are blank, the default codes are extracted for the semesters specified.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section

❏ NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE Non Campus Based (E1072) indicates if the course was not taught by an employee of the LEA (e.g., 08 - Credit by Exam).

❏ POPULATION-SERVED-CODE Pop Srvd (E0747) identifies the student population for which a service was designed or intended. It does not necessarily identify program eligibility. Only one code can be reported per course-section. If intent cannot be determined, use code 01 (i.e., Regular Students).


Grade Reporting > Reports > Create Grade Reporting Report

Data in the SectionExtension complex type can be verified by creating a customized report. Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.

Complex Type : CourseOffering

Description: Represents a course offered by a campus during a session, representing the catalog of available courses.

The following elements from the CourseOffering complex type are included in Submission 3:

❏ SERVICE-ID (E0724) - Described previously.


Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0050 - District Master List (Grd Rpting)

SGR0050 lists every course in the district master schedule for the school year. Verify all applicable data for each course.

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0100 - Master Schedule (Grd Rpting)

SGR0100 lists every course-section in the campus master schedule. Verify all applicable data for each course-section.

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0110 - Master Schedule PEIMS (Grd Rpting)

SGR0110 provides campus-level TSDS information. Verify all section data. If there is a difference between the values at the campus section level and the district level, the section record data overrides the district-level data.