(Obsolete) Staff Teaching Assignments (Summer)

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Staff > Teaching Assignments

Update data for the TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type as needed.

The TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex represents a person employed by the LEA or other educational unit engaged in student instruction. These are instructional-type staff members.

This data must be tracked and reported beginning with course sections that were active on the last Friday in October of each school year and course sections that were completed prior to the last Friday in October.

Cross reference for Staff Teaching Assignments tab:

Modify a record:

Select a staff person

❏ Click Retrieve.

❏ Click +Add to add a blank row.

Campus IDType or select the three-digit campus ID.
Class ID Number


Type the 14-digit number identifying the class. The class ID can be any 14-character district-defined identifier comprised of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies a class at the employee and campus level. Spaces are not allowed. The ID is unique for each employee at the campus.

The first 7-11 digits are required. The length depends on the length of the course number. The ID is automatically zero-filled when you save.

When extracting from the master schedule, the class ID is set to the course number (4-8 digits) + 2-digit section number + 1-digit semester number + padding with zeros.

Service ID

Code table: C022

Select the code indicating the services supplied by the employee. Service IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9 are not reported. Service IDs for PK and KG that begin with 02 cannot be reported. Verify that all service IDs to be reported exist in code table 022 (C022) in the TEDS.


Code table: C135

This is the order in which the course was scheduled. This should only be used if the course, or part of the course, is taught out of sequence. Leave blank if the course is not taught out of sequence.

Rule 43415-0036: If a student passed a course where Dual Credit is selected and Course Sequence is 0, 2, 5, or 9, then College Credit Hrs must be greater than 0.

Role ID

ROLE-ID (E0721)
Code table: C021

Select the capacity in which the employee serves, such as instructor, therapist, superintendent, etc.

Rule 30090-0117: If Role ID is not 033 or 036, there must be at least one staff payroll record with a matching Texas Unique Staff ID where Obj is 6119 or 6112.

Click Small Picklist to add or change the code for the field.

Population Served

Code table: C030

Select the student population for which the service has been designed or is intended.

Class Role

Select the role served by the instructor in the class.

Begin Date
End Date

Type or select the beginning and end dates for which the instructor was assigned to the class in the current school year.

❏ Click Save.

Trashcan IconDelete a row.
Prev and Next Scroll through staff.
Add Add a staff record.
+Add Add a teaching assignment record for the employee.
Delete Delete all of the employee's records.
Change ID Change the staff ID.