SRG5010 - Child Find SPPI-11 Student Roster Report gives a report of SPPI-11 students.

SRG5010 – Child Find SPPI-11 Student Roster Report parameters screen

❏ In the Ending School Year (YYYY) field (Required), type the four-digit school year. For example, for the 2021-2022 school year, type 2022.

❏ In the Evaluation Campus ID (Blank for All) field, type the three-digit campus ID where the student was evaluated, or leave blank to create a report for all campuses. If creating the report for all campuses, the report is organized by Evaluation Campus ID, not by Enrolled Campus ID.

❏ In the Include Non-Reported Students (Y,N) field, type Y or N to include/exclude non-reported students.

❏ In the Include Students Without an Evaluation Campus ID (Y,N) field, type Y or N to include/exclude students without an Evaluation Campus ID.

❏ Click Preview.

Students without an Evaluation Campus ID will display on the first page of the report followed by listings for each evaluating campus.

SRG5010 – Child Find SPPI-11 Student Roster Report report