Discipline (Summer)

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Discipline

Update data for the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension complex type as needed.

The StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension complex indicates students related to a discipline incident who were victims, perpetrators, witnesses, and/or reporters.

Cross reference for Student Discipline tab:

Modify a record:

Select a student

❏ Click Retrieve to retrieve the selected student.

❏ Click +Add.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Campus of Enrollment


Type or select the ID for the campus at which a student is enrolled.

For the fall submission (S1), the field should be blank unless you are reporting students with as-of-status code C, E, or G.

For the summer submission (S3), the campus of enrollment should always be blank.

For the extended submission (S4), the campus of enrollment is required and allowed only for students participating in the bilingual/ESL summer school program.

Campus of Disciplinary Assignment


Type the nine-digit ID (CCCDDDXXX, where CCC is the county, DDD is the district, and XXX is the campus ID) of the campus where the student was placed for disciplinary reasons.

Action Number


Type a number to identify the disciplinary action, up to three digits. The number allows you to differentiate between two or more disciplinary actions with identical student IDs and campus IDs of enrollment.

Action Code

Code table: C164

Select the code indicating the disciplinary action taken in response to the discipline offense.

Action Reason

Code table: C165

Select the code indicating the reason for the disciplinary action.

Official Length of Assignment


Type the official length in whole days of the student’s disciplinary assignment.

Actual Length of Assignment


Type the actual length in whole days of the student’s disciplinary assignment.

Length Difference Reason

Code table: C166

If there is a difference between the official and actual lengths of assignment, select the code indicating the reason for the difference.

Incident Number


Type a number for the incident, up to six digits.

Report Period

Code table: C130

Select the period for which the data is being reported.

Date of Disciplinary Action


Type the date on which the disciplinary assignment was ordered. This may or may not be the date on which the disciplinary infraction occurred or the disciplinary assignment begins. Use the MMDDYYYY format.

Campus of Disciplinary Responsibility


Type the nine-digit ID (CCCDDDXXX, where CCC is the county, DDD is the district, and XXX is the campus ID) of the campus at which the student was enrolled when the incident occurred.

Behavior Location Code

Code table: C190

Select the code for the location in which the discipline incident occurred.

Inc (Inconsistent Indicator)


Select if an out-of-school suspension, disciplinary alternative education program placement, or expulsion action is inconsistent with a local education agency’s student code of conduct.


NON-MEMBERSHIP-DISCIPLINE-RESTRAINT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1725) (Code Table C088) indicates the discipline incident or restraint event being reported is for a special education student enrolled, not in membership.

Select if the student has at least one record in Special Education (44425-0076).

SSSP Team Review

Code table: C088

Select if the Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP) Team conducted a threat assessment related to a reported disciplinary incident.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Add Add a student.
+AddAdd a discipline record for the student.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Delete Delete all of the student's records.
Change ID Change the student's ID.