Special Ed Attendance (Summer)

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Spec Ed Att

Update data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.

The SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex represents the recording of attendance for a student's special programs reporting period.

Cross reference for Student Special Ed Att tab:

Modify a record:

Select a student

❏ Click Retrieve to retrieve the selected student.

❏ Click +Add to add a blank row.

Campus ID


Type or select the three-digit campus ID.


Code table: C141

Select the campus calendar track to which the student is assigned.

Report Period

Code table: C130

Select the period for which the data is being reported.

Days Taught


Type the number of days of instruction offered per the school calendar during the selected Report Period.


Code table: C050

Select the student's current grade level.

Instructional Setting

Code table: C035

Select the code for the setting used to provide instruction to student.

RS Instructional Setting

Code table: C035

Select the code for the setting used to provide Remote Synchronous (RS) instruction to student.

RA Instructional Setting

Code table: C035

Select the code for the setting used to provide Remote Asynchronous (RA) instruction to student.

Eligible Days Present


Type the number of days the student was eligible and present in a designated instructional setting during the selected reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in special education in a particular instructional setting minus the number of days the student was absent.

RS Eligible Days Present


Type the number of days the student was eligible and Remote Synchronous (RS) present in a designated instructional setting during the selected reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in special education in a particular instructional setting minus the number of days the student was absent.

RA Eligible Days Present


Type the number of days the student was eligible and Remote Asynchronous (RA) present in a designated instructional setting during the selected reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in special education in a particular instructional setting minus the number of days the student was absent.

Excess Hours


Type the number of hours above the allowable six hours per day of combined CTE and special education and related services in a designated instructional setting during a particular reporting period. The Foundation School funding for LEAs is limited to six contact hours per day per student.

RS Excess Hours


Type the number of hours above the allowable six hours per day of Remote Synchronous (RS) combined CTE and special education and related services in a designated instructional setting during a particular reporting period. The Foundation School funding for LEAs is limited to six contact hours per day per student.

RA Excess Hours


Type the number of hours above the allowable six hours per day of Remote Asynchronous (RA) combined CTE and special education and related services in a designated instructional setting during a particular reporting period. The Foundation School funding for LEAs is limited to six contact hours per day per student.


Code table: C067

Select the code indicating the student's enrollment in the regional day school program for the deaf (RDSPD).

District of RDSPD Service

Type the county-district number for the district providing RDSPD services to the student.

❏ Click Save.

Add Add a student.
+AddAdd a special ed attendance record for the student.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Delete Delete all of the student's records.
Change ID Change the student's ID.