Special Ed (Summer)

State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed

Update data for the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationExtension complex types as needed.

Cross reference for Special Ed tab:

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Select a student

❏ Click +Add.

Beg/End Dt

Code table: C088


Indicate the dates the student entered/exited the program.

Prim Dis

Code table: C053

Click to select the type of primary disability as determined by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee and recorded in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Sec Dis

Code table: C053

Click to select the student’s secondary disability. This code is not required unless the student has been identified with a secondary disability code by the ARD committee.

The secondary disability cannot be the same as the student's primary or tertiary disability.

Tert Dis

Code table: C053

Click to select the student's tertiary (i.e., third-level) disability.

The tertiary disability cannot be the same as the student's primary or secondary disability.

Multi Dis

Code table: C088

Select if the student is multiply disabled.

• Not all students with more than one disability are multiply disabled.
• If both the Secondary and Tertiary Disability are blank, Multi Disability must be blank.

Instr Set

Code table: C035

Click to select the instructional setting used when providing instruction to the student.

Asst Tech

Code table: C088

Select if the student receives or is scheduled to receive assistive technology devices/services.

Aud Svcs

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive audiological services.

Coun Svcs

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive counseling services.


Code table: C088

Select if the student participates in the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program. If selected, the student’s grade level must be EE. Leave blank if the student is over two years old or not in the program.

Medical Fragile

Code table: C088

Select if the student has a serious ongoing illness or chronic condition anticipated to last 12 or more months and requires routine use of medical devices or assistive technology.

Interp Svcs

Code table: C174

Indicate the type of interpretive services the student receives or is scheduled to receive.

Medical Diag

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive medical diagnostic services.

Occup Thrpy

Code table: C088

Select if the student receives or is schedule to receive occupational therapy.

Orient Trng

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive orientation mobility training.

Phys Thrpy

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive physical therapy.


Code table: C088

Select if the student is enrolled in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD). If selected, the student's grade level must be EE, PK, or KG, and the PPCD Location field is required.

Psych Svcs

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive psychological services.

Rec Thrpy

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive recreational therapy.


Code table: C067

Indicate if the student is enrolled in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf.

Sch Hlth

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive school health services.

Soc Wrk

Code table: C088

Select if the student is receiving or is scheduled to receive social work services.

Speech Ther

Code table: C095

Indicate if the student receives speech therapy services.


Code table: C088

Select if transportation is provided for the student.

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AddAdd a student.
Delete Delete all of the student's records.
Change ID Change the student's ID.
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