
From August Year-End Doc —→

❏ Complete the fall PEIMS submission.

❏ Order W-2 and 1099 tax forms if needed.

❏ Complete the Transportation Operations report. (Due Dec 1)

❏ Complete fourth quarter payroll reports for 941 and unemployment. ❏ Coordinate the completion of the audit for the June 30th audit preparation. (no later than Nov 27th)

• Review the audit draft and pay attention to items that impact the FIRST rating: unmodified audit opinion, no material weaknesses in internal controls, no instances of noncompliance material to financial statements, and positive net assets on the Statement of Net Assets.
• The important dates report will be delivered to the school board.
• Verify if the auditor or LEA will electronically submit the audit to TEA.
• Verify if the auditor will send to MAC if the LEA has outstanding bonds, and if any other entities should receive a copy of the audit (grant agencies, etc.).
• Publish audit Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances in the local newspaper.
• Post audit opening balances, if needed.