Invoice Voids/Adjustments - BAR3300

Accounts Receivable > Maintenance > Invoice Voids/Adjustments

This page is used to make adjustments to the budget amounts for printed invoices that were already sent to the customer. Once the invoice is printed, you cannot change the customer or service/product information. You can lower the amount to be paid, change budget code data, or void the invoice. An invoice that is approved but not printed cannot be voided, deleted, or reversed. If you need to increase the invoice total amount, you must issue another invoice.

Void an invoice/create an adjustment:

Retrieve an invoice.

In the Invoice Number field, type the invoice number to be retrieved, if known. Leading zeros are not required. The field can be a maximum of six digits. If you type a partial invoice number (from one to five digits) and tab out of the field, the field is zero-filled to six digits. If alphanumeric values are entered, the field is not zero-filled.

Click Retrieve.

• If the invoice number is not known, click Directory.
• To search for a specific invoice number, type data in one or more of the search fields.
• To search through all available data, leave all fields blank.
• Click Search. A list of invoice numbers matching the search criteria is displayed.
• Select an invoice number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.


If you selected an invoice based on only the invoice number, the customer number, customer name, and invoice number are displayed for the selected invoice.

If you selected an invoice based on the customer name and number, all approved customer invoices are displayed.

If you selected an invoice based on a date range, all approved invoices that were created within the date range are displayed.

All service/product information is display only.

❏ Under Budget Adjustments:

Field Description
Original AmtThe total for each account code at the time the invoice was printed is displayed.
Adjust AmtThe total amount for each account code of prior adjustments is displayed.
Payment AmtThe total amount for each account code of payments that have been made is displayed. Reversed payments are not included.
BalanceThe original amount for each account code minus adjustments and payments made to date is displayed.

Click to void an invoice. The balance in the existing invoice budget records is reversed in Finance and creates an adjustment record to record the date, person performing the void, and the adjustment reason. The invoice record is not deleted.

Note: If a payment has already been made on an invoice, the invoice cannot be voided.

Void ReasonType a reason for the voiding of the selected checks. The information from this field is used as the description for the finance transactions that are created when invoices are voided. If a void reason is not entered, the finance transactions use the default adjustment description.

❏ Under Budget Adjustments:

Adjust AmtType the new amount for that account to create an invoice adjustment.

The difference between the remaining amount in the record and the adjusted amount you entered is determined, and an Invoice Adjustment record that reflects that amount is created.

The Totals field changes to reflect the reduction in the amount.

In the Adjust Reason field, type the reason for reducing the previous budget code totals for the selected invoice.

Only reductions are allowed. If an increase to the invoice is required, a new invoice must be created to reflect this change.

For each budget code, the system displays the current remaining amount. This is computed from the original amount plus any adjustments minus any payments made to that account code.

❏ Click Refresh Description after an existing object code number is entered to update the Description field. The object code description is populated from the Object tab.

❏ Click Update Totals to update the Budget Adjustments Total field.

Account Code

Type the amount to be applied from the invoice total, or leave blank and click Uniform Distribution to distribute the invoice total amount equally among multiple account codes.

Note: If you have not entered any amounts for the account code records, once all the account numbers have been entered, click Uniform Distribution, which distributes the dollar amount from the invoice total equally across all the account codes. If you enter only one account number, the entire invoice total goes to that one account, which prevents the user from possibly making an error when manually entering the data. If the uniform distribution does not handle pennies the way the user wants, the user can modify the amounts.

The detail section displays the adjustment transactions for the highlighted account code. The adjustment transactions list is display only. Each row includes the adjustment date, account code, adjustment amount, adjustment reason, and user ID.

❏ Click Save.


  • All required fields must be completed, the invoice total and budget total amounts must match, no amounts can be blank or zero, and the total adjusted amount cannot be greater than the total remaining balance.
  • The Finance transaction records necessary to adjust the amounts to reflect the difference between the previous records and the new information are created.
  • If errors are encountered, an error message is displayed, and you must correct the error before the invoice can be saved.

Other functions and features:


Click to add a new row.


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to add notes to the selected invoice.

Type the note that you want to be printed on the invoice.

Click OK to continue and return to the Create/Modify Invoice page. Otherwise, click Cancel to not record notes and return to the Create/Modify Invoice page.

A paperclip icon is displayed on the Notes button if notes exist.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

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