Delete Customer Records - BAR6200

Accounts Receivable > Utilities > Delete Customers Records

This utility is used to delete customer records for which there are no invoices or invoice templates. After a customer record has been deleted, that customer number can be used for another customer.

Delete customer records:

A list of all available customers is displayed on the left side of the page under Available Customers.

❏ Select the customers to delete.

❏ Use the following buttons to move the selected customers to the right side of the page.

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Click Execute to delete the customers on the right side of the page. A message is displayed confirming that you are about to delete customer records.

  • Click Yes to continue with the deletion process.
  • Click No to return to the Delete Customer Records page.

Other functions and features:

RetrieveThe Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.