Calculations - BAM4000

Asset Management > Depreciation > Depreciation Calculations > Calculations

This tab is used to select inventory items and to calculate their depreciation for the selected periods. The following functions can be performed:

  • Calculate depreciation for one month or multiple months within the current fiscal year (set on the Asset Management Options page).
  • Calculate only the current fiscal year depreciation or all years the asset was in service.
  • Run this depreciation calculation page multiple times for any year of depreciation.

Perform depreciation calculations:

A list of all available inventory numbers and their descriptions is displayed on the left side of the page. Items that have been fully depreciated or that are not eligible for depreciation calculations are not included in the inventory item selection list. These include:

Field Description
From Month/YearThis field is populated based on the selected file ID, but you can change the date. The From Month/Year field indicates the beginning date for the current fiscal year depreciation calculations and the date that the inventory item was put into service. The field can be changed more than once for the same record.
Month/YearThis field is populated based on the selected file ID, but you can change the date. The To Month/Year field indicates the ending date for the current fiscal year and depreciation calculations. The date is within a 12-month period from the From Month/Year field.
Recalculate all prior years of depreciation. (Also includes current FY.)Select to recalculate the depreciation of the selected assets for all years in service. If not selected, depreciation is calculated for the current fiscal year only.

❏ Select the current inventory numbers to move to the right side of the page for calculating depreciation.

❏ Use the following buttons to move the selected inventory numbers to the right side of the page.

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Click Calculate to calculate the depreciation of all selected inventory numbers.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.