Recommended - BUD3000

Budget > Maintenance > Budget Data > Recommended

This tab is used to create, delete, and duplicate account codes, and enter amounts and notes associated with those account codes. An account code that is added, deleted, modified or duplicated on this tab also changes the account code on the Requested and Approved tabs. Changes in the account codes on the Requested and Approved tabs affect the Recommended tab.

If an account code or fund and fiscal year are locked, changes cannot be made to that account amount or the notes on any of the tabs. Accounts can be locked by setting a date on the Tables > Budget Options page. Accounts, amounts, and notes can no longer be accessed after the cutoff date. You can use the Utilities > Mass Lock/Unlock page to lock individual accounts, associated amounts, and notes.

All available account codes are displayed.

Narrow the account code list:

Field Description
Account Code

The 20-character account code mask with all Xs is displayed. Type only the account code elements (e.g., fund, function, object, etc.) to be included in the search. Each account code component is independent of the other components.

❏ Click Retrieve. All account codes with the selected account code elements are displayed.

Review and add account code data:

❏ Click +Add to add a row to the last page of account codes.


The lock status of the account code is displayed.

Y - The account code is locked.
N - The account code is unlocked.

Use the Mass Lock/Unlock utility to lock or unlock the selected account.


The note status of the account code is displayed.

Y - Comments exist.
N - No comments exist.

Account Code

Type only the account code elements (e.g., fund, function, or object). Each account code component is independent of the other components.
To view a list of account code components, place the cursor in one of the account code component fields, and click Lookup or press F2. A pop-up window is displayed for the applicable account code component.

In the Search field, type the account code component. A list of available account code components is displayed.

Select an account code component from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Requested tab.

Next Yr RequestedThe previously requested amounts for the account code is displayed. The amount cannot be changed on this tab.
Next Yr RecommendedType the amount that is being recommended for the account code.
Description The account description from the chart of accounts is displayed. The information can be changed. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
TotalThe totals of the amounts in the Next Year Requested and Next Yr Recommend columns of each account code is displayed. The calculation of these values is based on the formula, Total = Grand Total Estimated Revenues + Grand Total Other Resources - Grand Total Fund Balance - Grand Total Appropriation - Grand Total Other Uses.
Refresh Description

Click after an existing object code number is entered to update the Description field. The object code description is populated from the Object tab.

Refresh Totals

Click to update the totals.

Duplicate Record

Select a row to duplicate and click to create a new row using the data from the existing row. You must change the account code of the newly duplicated row prior to saving the record.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

PrintClick to print the report. Review the report.
Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

If all columns are not zero, or if the account is being used by Finance, Human Resources, or Requisition, a warning message is displayed and the account code cannot be deleted.