BUD1550 - Selective Budget Report

Budget > Reports > Budget Reports > Selective Budget Report

This report provides a list of the budgetary accounts that are sorted by the fund code. It compares the budget to the actual realized revenue and expenditures. The report can be printed with account-level detail or summarized by the fund, function, and class object. Accounts can be filtered by funds, functions, objects, organizations, and program intent codes. The Pct Inc/Dec field is only displayed on the report if the Select Columns to Print parameter is set to Y, Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y.


  • A user profile with accounts must be established for the logged-on user on the Maintenance > User Profiles tab in District Administration.
  • If the Print inc/dec % NY vs LY Closing(1), TY Orig(2), TY Amend(3), TY Exp(4), None(5) report parameter is set to 5, the Pct Inc/Dec field is displayed as .00% on the report.
  • The Pct Inc/Dec field is only displayed on the report if the Select Columns to Print report parameter is set to Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y or Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N.
Parameter Description
Print inc/dec % NY vs LY Closing(1), TY Orig(2), TY Amend(3), TY Exp(4), None(5)

1 - Print the report with the percentage change of next year's approved amounts compared to last year's closing amounts.

2 - Print the report with the percentage change of next year's approved amounts compared to this year's original amounts.

3 - Print the report with the percentage change of next year's approved amounts compared to this year's amended amounts.

4 - Print the report with the percentage change of next year's approved amounts compared to this year's expenditure amounts.

5 -Print the report with no percentages.

This is a required field.

Budget amt to use Requested(1), Recommended(2) Approved(3)

1 - Print the report using the requested budget amount.

2 - Print the report using the recommended budget amount.

3 - Print the report using the approved budget amount.

This is a required field.

Set report spacing to Double Space? (Y/N)

Y - Print the report with double spacing.

N - Print the report with single spacing.

This is a required field.

Exclude 61XX Accounts? (Y/N)

Y - Exclude 61XX accounts from the report.

N - Include 61XX accounts on the report.

This is a required field.

Include Notes? (Y/N)

Y - Include notes on the report.

N - Exclude notes from the report.

This is a required field.

Select Fund(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit fund code separating multiple fund codes with a comma (e.g., 199, 224). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for funds/years. Otherwise, leave blank to use all fund codes.

Select Function(s), or blank for ALL

Type the two-digit function code separating multiple function codes with a comma (e.g., 01, 99). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for functions. Otherwise, leave blank to use all function codes.

Select Object(s), or blank for ALL

Type the four-digit object code separating multiple object codes with a comma and no space (e.g., 5711,5949). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for object codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all object codes.

Select Sub Object(s), or blank for ALL

Type the subobject numbers, including all leading zeros and separating multiple subobject numbers with a comma (e.g., 01, 26). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for subobject numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all subobject numbers.

Select Organization(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit organization code separating multiple organization codes with a comma (e.g., 001, 699). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for organization codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all organization codes.

Select Program Intent Code(s), or blank for ALL

Type the two-digit program intent code separating multiple program intent codes with a comma and no space (e.g., 01,99). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for program intent codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all program intent codes.

Select Columns to Print

Type the label print options with a comma and no spaces (e.g., N,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,Y) . Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select column options. This is a required field.

Generate the report.