Post to General Ledger - FIN8100

Finance > Budget Amendment > Post to General Ledger

This page is used to post the final approved budget amendment to the general ledger. This transfers account information in the amendment table to the general ledger in the Finance application for all accounts with an increase or decrease to the budget amount. Amendment journal entries are created for each account with an increase or decrease amount. Once the amendment has been approved and no additional changes are required, the changes must be posted to the general ledger. The posting process performs two separate functions:

  • Adds all account numbers and descriptions from the amendment journal table to the chart of accounts if the accounts do not currently exist in the chart of accounts.
  • Creates budget amendment journal entries for each account with an increase or decrease. These values are added to or subtracted from the estimated revenue/appropriations field for each account.

After the posting process is complete, print the general ledger reports for the funds (e.g., general journal). The reports allow you to verify that the values have been transferred correctly. Entries are made only for those accounts with an increase or decrease.

Post an amendment to the general ledger:

❏ Under Accounting Period, select the general ledger period in which to post.

Field Description
CurrentSelected by default if Current Accounting Period Close is not selected on the District Finance Options > Accounting Periods tab.
NextSelected by default if Current Accounting Period Close is selected on the District Finance Options > Accounting Periods tab.

❏ Under Options:

Capture As Original BudgetSelect if the posting needs to be captured in the original budget. The entries being posted will change the original budget values currently seen on the Budget Amendment > Budget Amendment Maintenance page for those accounts being changed.
Auto Assign JV NumberIf Use Automatic JV Number Assignment is not selected on the Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab, this field (also known as the journal entry number) is not enabled. If Use Automatic JV Number Assignment is selected on the Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab, then Auto Assign JV Number is automatically selected, and Post to General Ledger Amendment Number displays AUTO. When executed, AUTO is replaced with the next available journal voucher number. If the journal entry number exists in Finance, the entry is not posted. You have the option to clear the Auto Assign JV Number field, which enables the Post to General Ledger Amendment Number and displays the original journal voucher number to modify or use to post to the general ledger.
Transaction Date

The current system date is displayed by default, but it can be modified. If it is modified, all new transactions default to the last transaction date that was entered.

Under Amendment Nbrs Available, if the Note button is italicized, an amendment note exists for the amendment transaction.

❏ Click Note to display the notes. The amendment notes cannot be modified.

❏ Use the following buttons to select which amendment numbers to place under Post to General Ledger:

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Under Post to General Ledger:

  • If Use Automatic JV Number Assignment is not selected on the Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab, the Post to General Ledger Amendment Number field is set to the amendment number selected and can be modified.
  • If Use Automatic JV Number Assignment is selected on the Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab, the Post to General Ledger Amendment Number field displays AUTO. When executed, AUTO is replaced with the next available amendment number.
  • The Post to General Ledger Amendment Number becomes the journal voucher number in Journal Budget.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process. The system validates for duplicate amendment numbers and displays an Amended Budget Post Listing report. Review the report.

An error report is displayed if the amendment is not balanced. The report lists the amendments, funds, and amounts. Review the report.

  • Click Continue to continue processing, and the system will automatically create a balancing entry. Or, click Cancel to cancel processing, and no amended budget accounts are moved to the general ledger.
  • If you click Continue from the error report, the Amended Budget Post to General Ledger/Amended Budget Post Listing is displayed. The Amended Budget Post to General Ledger that is composed of two or three reports is displayed depending on whether the funds were in balance when the amendments were submitted.
  • If the funds were in balance when submitted, the Amended Budget Post Listing and General Journal are created.
  • If the funds were not in balance when submitted, the Account Change Notifications is displayed before the Amended Budget Post Listing and General Journal.

The translation of how increases/decreases become debits/credits is as follows:

Class Object Increase
5XXX or 7XXXDebitCredit
6XXX or 8XXXCreditDebit

❏ If the report is correct, click Process to post the selected accounts to the general ledger. When Process is clicked, either the estimated revenues, appropriations, or balance columns are updated based on the account class and the accounting period. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Post to General Ledger page without moving the accounts.