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Pending Payables - FIN3250

Finance > Maintenance > Pending Payables

This page is used to match invoices to the corresponding receiving transactions and create check transactions. Transactions that originated from bundled requisitions are included.

❏ To view Purchasing pending payable transactions on this page, Create Receiving Payables must be selected on the District Administration > Options > Purchasing/Warehouse page.

  • If Use Commodity Codes in Finance Payables is selected on the District Administration > Options > Purchasing/Warehouse page:
    • The Actual Cost field can be modified.
    • The Net Expend Amt field cannot be modified.
    • If the Freight % is greater than zero, then the Freight Amt field can be modified. If not, then the field cannot be modified.
  • If Use Commodity Codes in Finance Payables is not selected:
    • The Actual Cost field cannot be modified.
    • The Net Expend Amt field can be modified.
    • The Freight Amt field cannot be modified.

❏ To view Warehouse pending payable transactions on this page, Create Receiving Payables must be selected on the Warehouse > Tables > Warehouse Options page. Only restock orders are used from Warehouse.

  • If Use Commodity Codes in Finance Payables is selected on the Warehouse > Tables > Warehouse Options page:
    • The Actual Cost field can be modified.
    • The Net Expend Amt field cannot be modified.
    • If the Freight % is greater than zero, then the Freight Amt field can be modified. If not, then the field cannot be modified.
  • If Use Commodity Codes in Finance Payables is not selected:
    • The Actual Cost field cannot be modified.
    • The Net Expend Amt field can be modified.
    • The Freight Amt field cannot be modified.

A list of all available Purchasing and Warehouse pending payable transactions from the logged-on file ID is displayed.

Retrieve and select a transaction:

❏ Use one of the following fields to narrow the list of items.

NbrType the purchase order number
VendorBegin typing the vendor name or number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select the vendor name from the list.

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of pending payable transactions for the selected vendor is displayed.

❏ To narrow your search even further, use the Search field in the upper-right corner of the grid to type a specific keyword (e.g., vendor, amount, type, etc.). As you type data in the Search field, a list of records matching your search is displayed.

The following information is displayed for each transaction:

  • Type - transaction type (Purchase Order, Inventory Restock)
  • Nbr - purchase order number for the transaction
  • Vendor - vendor number and name
  • Date Received- date the transaction was received
  • Rcvd By - name of the person who received the transaction
  • Rcvd Amount - amount received
  • Whse Cd - warehouse code
  • Originator - name of the person who originated the transaction
  • Paper Icon - Displays if the purchase order has documents attached.

Bundled Requisition/PO Notes

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to select a transaction. The purchase order details are displayed.

In the upper section, the following fields are displayed but cannot be modified.

  • Type & Number
  • Vendor
  • Whse Cd
  • Received Date
  • Received Amount
  • Received By
  • Originator
  • Original Amount
  • Balance Amount
  • Credit Card Code

Create a check transaction:

❏ Complete the following fields for the transaction:

ReasonThe reason is automatically populated from the purchase order; however, it can be modified. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
Invoice DateType the date of the invoice being paid by the transaction. Or, select a date from the calendar.
Invoice NbrType the invoice number being paid by the transaction.
Due DateType the due date in the MMDDYYYY format.

Select to disburse the payment via an electronic funds transfer. By default, By default, the EFT field is automatically selected if the vendor retrieved has bank information on the Maintenance > Vendor Information > Vendor Miscellaneous tab and an EFT email address on the Maintenance > Vendor Information > Vendor Name/Address tab. If a check is needed, unselect the EFT field.


  • The vendor must have bank information and an EFT email address on file to be eligible for an electronic funds transfer.
  • This field is not displayed for purchase orders that were created using a credit card code.
  • If Separate Check is selected, EFT is unselected. Leave Print selected as this allows the transactions to be processed during the check run.
Separate Check

Select if a vendor has multiple transactions and/or multiple purchase order transactions and you need a separate check for one (or more) transactions. When selected, the associated transactions are displayed as separate check items in the list of checks to be processed.

When checks are processed, those transactions with Separate Check selected are issued separately. This functionality creates a single check per vendor per PO/PA number. If selected, a credit memo is not be applied and the check amount will be for the full amount. Check transactions without Separate Check selected are grouped by the vendor number.

Example 1: There is three separate POs for the same vendor. The first PO has two transactions, one of which has Separate Check selected. The second PO has a transaction that does not have Separate Check selected. The third PO has a transaction that also does not have Separate Check selected. When checks are processed, two checks are issued: one for the transaction with Separate Check selected and one for all the other transactions for that vendor.

Example 2: There is one PO with two transactions for the same vendor. One transaction has Separate Check selected, the other does not. When checks are processed, two checks are generated.

Example 3: There is one PO with two transactions for the same vendor. Both transactions have Separate Check selected. When checks are processed, two checks are generated.

Notes: This field is not displayed for purchase orders that were created using a credit card code.

Trans DateThe current system date is displayed by default; however, the date can be modified.
Freight AmtIf enabled, type the freight cost or leave the field blank if there are no charges.

Under Items Received, the following purchase order details are displayed and cannot be modified.

  • Item
  • Catalog
  • Item Description
  • Commodity
  • Quantity Received
  • Ordered Cost
Actual CostIf enabled, type the actual cost of the line item.

Under Account Summary, the following account code details are displayed and cannot be modified.

  • Account Code
  • Description
  • GL Balance Amt
  • Liquidate Amt
Net Expend AmtIf enabled, type the net expenditure amount for the account code(s). The purchase order is liquidated by the net expenditure amount.

❏ Click Submit/Return to create the check transaction. The pending payable transaction is automatically deleted and you are returned to the main page.


❏ Click Submit/Stay to create the check transaction. The pending payable transaction is not automatically deleted but instead, a submit date is added to the record and you remain on the PO details page. The submit date is used to indicate that the pending payable transaction is completed but has not been deleted from the table.

❏ Click Delete to delete the pending payable transaction.

After you click Submit/Stay, the Document Attachments functionality becomes available and the Inv Documents button is displayed allowing you to upload documents.

  • There is a 10MB maximum upload size.
  • The Document Attachments functionality is not available for bundled requisitions.

These actions do not affect the general ledger. You can view or edit the pending payable transactions on the Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Check Processing - PO tab or go directly to the Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing > Print Checks tab for processing.

Other functions and features:

CancelClick to return to the main Pending Payables page.
DeleteClick to delete a pending payable transaction.
Inv DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.
Req DocumentsThis button is displayed if the purchase order has existing document attachments. It provides read-only access to the Document Attachment functionality and is not available for bundled requisitions.

Click to view the documents.
finance/maintenance/pendingpayables.1612793057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/08 09:04 (external edit)