FIN1300 - Check Payments List

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > Check Payments List

The report allows the user to verify both district and computer check transactions. Reports for paid checks, unpaid checks, or both can be printed. Paid checks include all district and computer checks that have been printed. Unpaid checks include all computer checks that have not yet been printed. When verifying district or printed computer checks, print the paid checks list. To verify computer check transactions before printing, print the unpaid checklist.

Note: If a computer-written check is voided in a month other than the month that it was issued, the check is listed as a district-written check on this report. Report information is displayed based on the masked account codes set in the User Profiles table for the logged-on user.

Parameter Parameter Description
Accounting Period Current (C), Next (N)

C - Include the current accounting period on the report.

N - Include the next accounting period on the report.

This is a required field.

Print District and Computer Written Checks separately? (Y/N)

Y - Print district and computer-written checks separately on the report.

N - Do not print district and computer-written checks separately on the report.

This is a required field.

Include checks if credit memos exceed check amount? (Y/N)

Y - Include checks with a credit memo that exceeds the check amount on the report.

N - Do not include checks with a credit memo that exceeds the check amount on the report.

This is a required field.

Include Reversal Transactions? (Y/N), or Voided Checks only (V)

Y - Include reversal transactions on the report.

N - Do not include reversal transactions on the report.

V - Include only voided checks on the report.

This is a required field.

Include Payroll Deduction Checks? (Y/N)

Y - Include payroll deduction checks on the report.

N - Do not include payroll deduction checks on the report.

This is a required field.

Include Transfer Checks? (Y/N)

Y - Include transfer transaction checks on the report.

N - Do not include transfer transaction checks on the report.

This is a required field.

Include ONLY EFT Payment? (Y/N)

Y - Include only electronic funds transfer payments on the report.

N - Do not include only electronic funds transfer payments on the report.

Select Vendor(s), or blank for ALL

Type the five-digit vendor number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple vendor numbers with a comma (00126, 01260). Or, click Ellipsis Icon search for vendor numbers to search for vendor numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all vendor numbers.

Select Bank Account Group(s), or blank for ALL
Select Fund(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit fund number separating multiple fund numbers with a comma (e.g., 161 / 8,199 / 8). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for funds/years. Otherwise, leave blank to use all fund numbers.

From Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALLType the from date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates.
To Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALLType the to date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates.
From Check Nbr, or blank for ALLType the from check number, or leave blank to use all from check numbers.
To Check Nbr, or blank for ALLType the to check number, or leave blank to use all to check numbers.

Generate the report.