Summary/Miscellaneous Reports

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Summary/Miscellaneous Reports

The following fields are displayed at the top of the page:

File IDDisplays the file ID to which the user is logged on.
User IDDisplays the logged-on user ID.
Curr PerDisplays the current accounting period.
Next PerDisplays the next accounting period.

This page allows you to select the report you want to generate.

Select a report:

All available report names are displayed on the left side of the page. The list of available reports remains displayed on the page even after you select a report name. This allows you to select another report within the selected reports menu without exiting the report page.

❏ Click a report to select it. The parameters for the selected report are displayed on the right side of the page.

❏ Type or select the report options. Parameters in bold are required.

❏ Use the buttons located at the top of the page to generate the report. If the button feature does not apply to the selected report, it is disabled. For example, a certain report may not be available in the CSV format, so the CSV button will be disabled when that report is selected.

  • Preview - Click to generate the HTML view of the report.
  • PDF - Click to generate a PDF file of the report.
  • CSV - Click to generate a CSV file of the report.
  • Clear Options - Click to clear data from all parameter fields.

Review, save and/or print the report.

Sort and filter:

Some reports may or may not provide the sort and/or filter option.

SortSort report data:
FilterFilter report data:
ResetReset report data: