FIN2300 - Outstanding Credit Memo Listing

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Vendor/Purchase Order Reports > Outstanding Credit Memo Listing

The report displays a list of all credit memos that have not been used.

Parameter Parameter Description
Include ONLY EFT Payment? (Y/N)

Y - Include only electronic funds transfer payments on the report.

N - Do not include only electronic funds transfer payments on the report.

Select Vendor(s), or blank for ALL

Type the five-digit vendor number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple vendor numbers with a comma (00126, 01260). Or, click Ellipsis Icon search for vendor numbers to search for vendor numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all vendor numbers.

Select Fund(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit fund number separating multiple fund numbers with a comma (e.g., 161 / 8,199 / 8). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for funds/years. Otherwise, leave blank to use all fund numbers.

Generate the report.