All users are granted permission to the Approval Summary dashboard element, which provides a list of pending approval items based on the user's profile. If there are no approvals, a message is displayed indicating there are no pending approvals.

Click here for a complete list of approval types that are included in the Approval Summary (based on your user profile).

# PendingDisplays the number of pending approval items for the corresponding approval type.
ID/FreqDisplays the ID or pay frequency tied to the pending item, if applicable.
Approval TypeDisplays a link to the page where you have pending approval items.

ASCENDER Homepage Approval Summary

In this example, the user has a pending approval for a CIP transaction.

❏ Click the link. The selected application page opens in a separate browser window.

❏ Perform the necessary action to satisfy the pending item(s).

❏ Log out of ASCENDER and then log back in to refresh the homepage.

If there are no other pending approvals, a message is displayed indicating there are no pending approvals.