ASCENDER Homepage & Quick View Dashboard

Depending on your user profile, ASCENDER offers a Quick View dashboard that is used to display important information from multiple sources in one, easy-to-access place. Currently, the following dashboard elements are available for Business users: ASCENDER Homepage

Finance at a Glance

All ASCENDER users created in Security Administration are automatically granted permission to view all dashboard elements. However, the content within the dashboard element is driven by your user profile (Profile Name) in Security Administration with the exception of ASCENDER News, which is available to all users. The LEA News may be limited to certain users based on the LEA's preferences when adding the news entry in District Administration.

Each dashboard element tile is enabled with the drag-and-drop feature along with row x column layout options to allow you to customize the layout of your dashboard elements. Your selected layout preferences are automatically saved upon logging out of the software.

Drag-and-Drop Feature

Use the drag-and-drop feature to define the placement of the dashboard element tiles.

  • Press and hold down the left mouse button on the desired element tile to “Grab” it.
  • “Drag” the element tile to the desired location.
  • “Drop” the element tile by releasing the mouse button.

Column x Row Layout Options

Use the following layout options located at the top of each dashboard element tile to adjust the size (column = width and row = height) of the element tile. To view these options, use your mouse to hover over the top-right corner of the element.

Dashboard Column Row Options

  • 1×1 = 1 column x 1 row
  • 1×2 = 1 column x 2 row
  • 1×3 = 1 column x 3 row
  • 2×1 = 2 column x 1 row
  • 2×2 = 2 column x 2 row
  • 2×3 = 2 column x 3 row
  • 3×1 = 3 column x 1 row
  • 3×2 = 3 column x 2 row
  • 3×3 = 3 column x 3 row

Below is just one example of the many dashboard formats available using the drag-and-drop feature and the column x row layout options:

Homepage Dashboard Format Example

Delete an element:

If you do not want an element displayed on your dashboard, you have the ability to move it out of view to the Quick View or QV column, which is the gray column located along the right side of the page.

Collapsed Quick View

Collapsed Quick View Menu

Expanded Quick View

Below is an example of the Approval Summary element tile being deleted from the main dashboard view and moved to the Quick View.

Expanded Quick View Menu

Note: At any point, you can use the drag-and-drop feature to move elements from the Quick View back to the main dashboard view.

Approval Summary

All users are granted permission to the Approval Summary dashboard element, which provides a list of pending approval items based on the user's profile. If there are no approvals, a message is displayed indicating there are no pending approvals.

Click here for a complete list of approval types that are included in the Approval Summary (based on your user profile).

# PendingDisplays the number of pending approval items for the corresponding approval type.
ID/FreqDisplays the ID or pay frequency tied to the pending item, if applicable.
Approval TypeDisplays a link to the page where you have pending approval items.

ASCENDER Homepage Approval Summary

In this example, the user has a pending approval for a CIP transaction.

❏ Click the link. The selected application page opens in a separate browser window.

❏ Perform the necessary action to satisfy the pending item(s).

❏ Log out of ASCENDER and then log back in to refresh the homepage.

If there are no other pending approvals, a message is displayed indicating there are no pending approvals.