Create credit card transactions

After the above steps are completed, you can use one of the following three methods to create credit card transactions.

1. Create a requisition in Purchasing

Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Requisition

Purchasing Requisition Page

❏ Create a requisition.

  • In the Credit Card Code field, press the SPACEBAR to view a list of credit card codes tied to your user profile. Select the appropriate credit card code.

Reminder: The vendor selected on the requisition is the vendor that is being paid with the credit card, not the credit card company.

Soft encumbrance:

162-00-4310-01-000-200000 Credit

Post the payable transaction:

Finance > Maintenance > Credit Card > Posting - PO Tab

Credit Card Posting - PO

❏ After the requisition is approved, retrieve the PO to post or create the payable transaction (credit card transaction).

  • The contra account is the credit card account from the credit card table even though it is different from the purchasing fund. This means that due to/due from accounts will be created to complete the accounting transactions.

Encumbrance liquidation:

162-53-6399-00-892-299000 Credit


162-00-2177-99-000-200000 Credit
199-00-2110-01-000-200000 Credit

2. Create a PO in Finance

Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Purchase Order

Finance Postings PO tab

❏ Create a PO; however, in this case, the payable will be entered as a credit card transaction.


162-00-4310-00-000-200000 Credit

Post the payable transaction:

Finance > Maintenance > Credit Card > Posting - PO

Finance Credit Card Posting PO Tab

❏ Retrieve the PO to post the payable transaction (credit card transaction). Since this transaction was created without selecting a credit card code, a message is displayed as a reminder. On this tab, a credit card transaction is entered similarly to the Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Check Processing - PO tab.

  • In the Type field, select the type of credit card transaction (Purchase or Return).
  • In the Credit Card Code field, select the credit card code for the card used.

Encumbrance liquidation:

162-53-6411-00-892-299000 Credit


162-00-2177-99-000-200000 Credit
199-00-2110-01-000-200000 Credit

3. Create a credit card PA in Finance

Finance > Maintenance > Credit Card > Posting - PA

Finance Credit Card Posting-PA Tab

❏ If a PO was not created, a credit card transaction can be posted as a PA.


199-00-2110-01-000-200000 Credit