1. Prepare for end-of-month closing:

Prior to starting end-of-month closing, verify the following processes are complete:

• All entries for the month have been posted.
• All bank statements have been reconciled.
• All cash receipts have been posted.
• All POs have been posted.
• All district-written checks have been posted.
• All journal entries have been posted.
• Payroll interface is complete in both paying funds and payroll clearing fund (863X).

To avoid month-to-month balance discrepancies, it is recommended to confirm that all fund totals are zero on a monthly basis.

Log on to file ID C.

Finance > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry

Verify the bank account group fund fiscal year.

Run an inquiry to verify that Fund Total (YTD), Fund Total (Current), and Fund Total (Next) amounts are zero.

Note: If amounts are not zero, contact your regional ESC consultant for further assistance.

GL Inquiry With Show Details Unselected

❏ Select Include Inactive Accounts. Selecting this option may prevent out-of-balance accounts.

❏ Unselect the Show Details checkbox.

❏ Leave all account code components masked (X).

❏ Click Retrieve to generate a summary for all accounts.