❏ Under Copy Pay Dates from Grant Type, retrieve a grant type from which you want to copy payment dates:

Field Description
Grant TypeBegin typing a grant type or description. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a grant type. If the grant type or description is not known, click Ellipsis Icon to select a grant type from the Grant Types lookup or press the SPACEBAR to view a list of grant types.

❏ Click Retrieve. The selected grant type is displayed with a list of cut-off dates and payment dates for the grant.

❏ Under Copy Pay Dates to Grant Type, select the grant type(s) to which you want to copy pay dates. Only active grant types are displayed.

❏ Click Execute. A message is displayed prompting you to continue the process.

Use the Grants and Projects > Tables > SSA Grants > Payment Dates tab to verify the changes.