Formula for new employees:

For pay frequency = 6

90-day periods = 1 + (month of end 90-day period - starting accounting period)

For pay frequency = 4 or 5

90-day periods = (90-day periods x 2)

Employer TRS contribution for 90-day employees = ((annual TRS gross/number of annual payments) x 90-day periods) x TRS district rate

Example 1

Pay frequency 6 employee has 11-05-2005 in the End-90 Day Period field on the Pay Info page. The starting accounting period is entered as 9. Annual salary is $24,000 and annual payments = 12

Then, 90-day periods = 1 + (11 - 9) or 3

Employer TRS Contribution for 90-day employees = (($24,000/12) x 3 ) x .0658 or $394.80

Example 2

Pay frequency 4 employee has 10-05-2005 in the End-90 Day Period field on the Pay Info page. The starting accounting period is entered as 9. Annual salary is $24,000 and annual payments = 26

Then, 90-day periods = (1 + (10 – 9)) x 2 or 4

Employer TRS Contribution for 90-day employees = (($24,000/26) x 4 ) x .0658 or $242.95