Federal EEOC Report Overview

What is EEOC?

For further information about EEOC requirements, reference the EEO-5 Data Collection Instruction Booklet.

Filing EEOC Reports

EEOC Reporting requires that LEAs file electronically using the EEO-5 Online Filing System (OFS).

In Payroll, generate the Personnel > Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1200 - Federal EEOC Report to create the EEOC File or file to be submitted electronically via the EEO-5 Online Filing System (OFS).

HRS1200 Federal EEOC Report Parameters

Prior to filing, it is highly recommended to generate the EEOC Reports and REVIEW the details to prevent errors from being reported.


The following fields in ASCENDER impact EEOC Reporting:

ASCENDER FieldBreadcrumbNotes
Percent Day EmployedPersonnel > Maintenance > Employment InfoEmployees with the percent day employed less than 100% will be included in the part-time count on the EEOC report and electronic file.

It is recommended to generate a user-created report to determine those employees with less than 100% and verify the accuracy.
EEOCPayroll > Maintenance > Staff/Job Pay Data > Job InfoThe EEOC code represents the EEOC worker’s classification and will be used to group employees. If the EEOC field is left blank, the employee is not be included in the EEOC report and electronic file.

Employment Info:

Employment Info Page

Job Info:

Job Info Tab

Helpful Information

If the EEOC Code field is selected for a job code on the Personnel > Tables > Job/Contract tab, then the EEOC field will be automatically populated when creating job records for new employees on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff/Job Pay Data > Job Info tab.

Keep in mind, the EEOC Code field should not be selected for temporary employment and substitute job codes as those employees should not be included in EEOC Reporting.

Job Codes Tab