Address unprocessed payment authorizations

Log on to file ID C.

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > FIN1750 - Year to Date Check Payments List

Run the FIN1750 report to determine if there are unpaid payment authorizations. Any unpaid payment authorizations need to be processed or reversed.

FIN1750 Report Parameters

YTD Check Payments Message

❏ Click Yes to print the fund summary for check payments.

FIN1750 Report

Reverse an unprocessed payment authorization:

Finance > Maintenance > Postings > Check Processing - PA

Check Processing PA

❏ Retrieve all existing payment authorizations. Individually review and reverse each payment authorization as needed.

Process a payment authorization:

Finance > Maintenance > Check Processing > Print Checks

Print Checks Tab

❏ Type a Check Date (typically August 31st).

❏ Click Preview to view any outstanding items.

Print Checks Next

❏ Click Next to proceed with the usual check processing steps.