Copy Current File ID to New File ID

Log on to file ID C.

Finance > Utilities > Move Current to New File ID

Create a new historical file ID.

Copy file ID C to the historical file ID 9. At this point, All fund/years should be selected to be copied or moved.

It is recommended that you copy rather than move all fund/years to the new historical file ID. This is a precautionary measure in case an error occurs and you need to delete the funds from the historical file ID and run the process again.

In this example, all fund/years are copied to the new historical file ID 9; however, you can use a different file ID.

Move Current To New File ID Page

In the New File ID field, select the file ID to which you want to copy funds. The file ID can be alpha or numeric.

Select the top-level check box next to Select to ensure that all funds are selected.

Select Copy to copy all funds to the new historical file ID.

Click Execute. The following message is displayed.

Confirm Process Message

Click Yes to continue. You are prompted to create a backup.

If any errors are encountered, an error report is displayed. Review and clear the errors.

If no errors are encountered, a preview report is not displayed. Click Process to continue.

When the process is completed, a message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully.

Process Completed Message

Click OK to close the message box.

Generate the Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Summary/Miscellaneous Reports > FIN3050 - Board Reports to compare the fund totals in file ID C and the new historical file ID.