Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Clearing Fund Maintenance

Update the Finance and Payroll Clearing Fund/Fiscal Year fields. Be sure to verify your offset accounts for the new fiscal year.

Clearing Fund Maintenance Tab

Verify that the data is accurate for the new fiscal year and update the fields as needed.

IMPORTANT: Some LEAs may have old data for fiscal year 5; therefore, it is required to complete the following steps to ensure that you are creating a new fiscal year 5 record.

❏ In the Codes for Fiscal Year field, select 5 and click Retrieve. If data exists for fiscal year 5, it is displayed.

❏ Click Delete. The following message is displayed.

Confirm Delete Message

Review and complete the other fields on the page as needed.

The fiscal year value is automatically populated in the Overpayment Account field.

❏ Click Save.