Field Description
FrequencySelect the payroll frequencies for which transactions are being created. The user can select multiple payroll frequencies, if authorized in the security application.
Begin DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the beginning pay date. All pay dates for the selected payroll frequencies are displayed.
End DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the ending pay date. All pay dates for the selected payroll frequencies are displayed.
Reset Pay DatesClick to clear the Begin Date and End Date fields when a different pay frequency has been selected.
Page Break by Ded Cd / VendorSelect to set a page break after each deduction code and vendor, or leave blank to ignore page breaks and print a continuous listing.

By default, all deduction codes are selected.

❏ Click Execute. The progress of the transaction creation process is displayed. When processing is complete, the system indicates that the creation of deduction check transactions is complete, the number of transactions that were added, and the number of duplicate transactions that were found. Click OK to close.

Review the report.