The Base Annual amount is calculated as follows: Hrs/Day x # of Days Empld = Annual Hours x Midpoint = Base Annual


7.5 Hrs/Day x 175 # of Days Empld = 1312.50 Annual Hours x $35.00 Midpoint = $45,937.50 Base Annual

If the Pay Rate is less than Minimum or is between Minimum/Midpoint or Midpoint/Maximum amounts, then the Pay Rate remains the same unless the Maximum/Midpoint pay increase field is used on the Calculate/Data Preview window.

If the increase by percent is used, then the Pay Rate is updated by only the increased amount.

Example: If the Pay Rate is 29.50 (below the Midpoint rate of 31.00), and if the Midpoint is increased by 1% (31.00 x .01 = 0.31), the Pay Rate is updated and increased to 29.81 (29.50 + 0.31). Likewise, if you enter a negative percent (-1%), the Pay Rate is decreased by 0.31 and the Pay Rate is set back to 29.50.

If the Pay Rate, Contract Total, and Contract Balance fields equal 0.00, the system will update to the Minimum amount.