Log on to the current year.

Payroll > Reports > User Created Reports

Generate a user-created report to identify the employees who begin their new contract in August. It is possible that the employees are inactive in the current year, be sure that the Active Employees Only field is not selected.

User Created Report With Payoff Date

❏ Prepare a list of new hires as a supplement to this list. Sort by the Payoff Date to verify that all employees with a July payoff date have the same date. For example, it is possible that an employee has a payoff date that is a day before or after the actual July payoff date.

❏ Use the current year payroll Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab to make corrections as needed.

❏ Generate a user-created report again to verify that all of the data is accurate. Filter the report using the LEA's July payoff date (YYYYMMDD).

User Created Report Filter Feature

Print or save the report for verification purposes.