Extra Duty Account Type Detail (Staff Job/Pay Data)

There are three types of extra duty:

  • The amount is a supplement to the employee’s salary (account type S) that displays on the employee Pay Info tab. When this type is selected, the system automatically adds an XTRA DUTY job to the Job Info tab and distribution records must be created.
  • The amount is a supplement to the employee’s gross salary (account type G) and must be manually included in the contract amount of one of the selected jobs.
  • The amount can be created as a transmittal (account types G or S) on the Extra Duty tab in the Hours/Pay Transmittals page and paid whenever the associated pay date is processed. When this type is selected, no XTRA DUTY job is added to the Job Info tab.
Extra Duty – Account Type S

This is a supplement that the employee is receiving in addition to the regular gross salary but it is not part of the contract amount on the Job Info tab. This account type may not be subject to state reporting; however, state reporting does allow for the inclusion of account type S when performing the staff extract process, if needed as part of State Reporting requirements.

  • The extra duty is created on the Extra Duty tab in the Salaries page as an account type S and can be added on the Pay Info tab for the employee.
    • On the Pay Info page, the extra duty can be selected from the ellipsis. The Amount field is populated with the information from the table and the user must complete the Remaining Amount and Remaining Payments fields.
    • This feature enables the district to control the amount to be paid and in how many payments.
  • The Job Info tab automatically reflects the addition of an account type S extra duty job and displays an XTRA - Extra Duty job on the Job Info tab. If multiple extra duty jobs are selected on the Pay Info tab, only one XTRA - Extra Duty job is displayed on the Job Info tab. The user does not need to complete any additional information on the Job Info tab with regard to the extra duty.
  • On the Distributions tab, the user must add the necessary distribution records for the extra duty jobs by selecting XTRA - Extra Duty from the Job Code drop-down list. The account code entered on the Extra Duty table populates the Account Code on this tab, and it can be modified on this page, if necessary. The activity code and expense 373 are also displayed (based on what exists in the Extra Duty table). The TRS grant code is displayed (based on what exists in the Fund to Grant table). If changes are made on the Extra Duty tab that no longer match the distribution information in the employee record, a warning message is displayed at the time the payroll is processed and should be corrected prior to continuing payroll processing.
  • If Expense 373 is not selected, the extra duty amount is not included in the above state base calculation. If Expense 373 is selected, the amount is included in the above state base calculation and is included in the distribution on the TRS 373 report.
  • The account type S amounts are displayed as supplemental transactions on the Payroll Earnings Register, Wage and Earnings Report, Calendar YTD, Addendum, and various other reports.
  • Remaining balances for XTRA - Extra Duty jobs that are account type S are paid off when the primary job is in contract payoff.
Extra Duty – Account Type G

This is a supplement or additional salary the employee receives that is part of the contract amount or gross pay and is not classified as a supplement on the employee’s check, Calendar YTD, and various other reports. This account type is subject to state reporting, and the distribution record is included in the staff extract process.

When this account type is selected for an extra duty job, it can be handled in two ways:

  • If you want the extra duty job to be attached to a specific job with the distribution subject to the PEIMS Staff Extract, use the following steps:
    • The extra duty is created on the Tables > Salaries > Extra Duty tab as well as all other pertinent data, and the account type is a G.
    • Once the extra duty has been created on the Salaries page, it can be added on the Pay Info tab for the employee.
    • The extra duty can be selected from the drop down and populates the Amount field (which is the total amount to be paid as set up on the Extra Duty tab). The Remaining Amount and Remaining Payments fields are disabled. When the extra duty is added to the Pay Info page initially, the extra duty amount must be manually included in the contract total on the Job Info tab if salary calculations are not done automatically.
    • An XTRA - Extra Duty job is not added to the Job Info tab.
    • The extra duty from the Pay Info tab is not displayed or accessible as an XTRA - Extra Duty job on the distribution record because it is part of the contract total on a job. The extra duty can be added to the specific job at that time, and when automatic salary calculations are performed, the contract total and balance, payments, etc., as well as the distribution accounts are updated automatically. The distribution account amounts associated with a specific extra duty code cannot exceed the amount on the Pay Info page.
  • If you do not want the extra duty job to be attached to a specific job nor do you want it to be an Extra Duty account type S, use the following steps:
  • Create the extra duty job on the Job Codes tab of the Job/Contract page (instead of on the Extra Duty table), and the name of the extra duty is what it represents (e.g., Athletic Director, Band Director, English Department Head). The extra duty job now becomes a regular job. Using the Job Code table instead of the Extra Duty table allows for greater flexibility in regards to amounts paid, payments, and payoff.
  • On the Job Info tab, using the drop down, the user would then add the job, determine what the % Assigned field for this job represents, and ensure that the total of all jobs equals 100%.
  • The user would then complete the Job Info tab and the Distribution page as would be done for any other job.
  • The job is displayed separately when the addendum is created for the employee.
Extra Duty – Account Type BThis is an extra duty non-TRS taxable business allowance. The business allowance paid to the employee is subject to tax withholding deductions.
Extra Duty – Account Type TThis is an extra duty non-TRS nontaxable business allowance. The business allowance paid to the employee is not subject to tax withholding deductions.
Extra Duty Created in Hours/Pay Transmittals

Extra duty can also be created using the Extra Duty tab in the Hours/Pay Transmittals page. When the option is chosen, the Extra Duty Code field selection can be used which would populate information based on what is on the Extra Duty tab.

The Extra Duty Amt, Account Code, Work Cmp, Grant Cd, and Standard Gross Cd fields can all be modified.

The user can also determine if the amount should be included as part of the standard gross or if it is supplemental only.

These transmittals are displayed as supplements on the Earnings Register, Calendar YTD, paycheck, and other reports.

These transmittals are not displayed as contract salary payments or as Extra Duty supplements on the addendum.

Extra Duty Payoff

If the employee’s payoff date matches the pay date and remaining payments exist for the XTRA - Extra Duty job, the following warning message is displayed when payroll calculations are performed: “Employee in contract payoff but has multiple jobs – status not changed”.

  • This means that the employee’s pay status remains active after payoff and must be changed to inactive before performing the payroll process for the next pay date, or a fatal error displays.
  • The remaining amount in the Extra Duty field is paid regardless of the number of remaining payments. The employee’s record displays a zero remaining amount and payments after payoff.
Extra Duty VoidIf a check is voided that has an account type S transaction that was created as a result of what is on the Pay Info tab, the user must adjust the remaining amount and payments on the Job Info tab. This is because the system is unable to distinguish between a XTRA - Extra Duty job distribution and an extra duty transmittal.
Extra Duty Payroll AdjustmentIf a check is issued in Payroll Adjustments, you must adjust the remaining amount and payments on the Job Info tab.