Midpoint Salary Schedule

The Midpoint method provides the district with the flexibility of determining different percentage increases for each pay grade and pay type. Since the employees within that group all receive the same amount of increase, it is easy for a district to determine the impact on the budget by multiplying the increase amount by the number of employees assigned to the pay grade and the number of days or hours employed by that group. If the table is set up accurately, a majority of the employees in each pay grade would be clustered around the midpoint range.


Minimum MidpointMaximum
$100.00$125.00$160.00 (old rates)
X 5%X 5%X 5%
$105.00$131.25$168.00 (new rates)

Percentage increase for employees: $131.25 x 2% = $2.625 times number employees in pay grade (5) and number of days worked (187) = $2,454.375 budget impact for salary increase.