Deductions - This tab is not shared between the current year and next year records.
Exception: When changes to an existing employee's deduction information is saved, a message is displayed asking if the current year records should be updated.
If the
Remain Pymts field is set to 99, it will not decrement each time a payroll is processed.
Be sure to add an
Emplr Contrib (Employer Contribution) amount for vacancies/new employees to avoid an understated budget.
Update the garnishment amounts as there may be changes to the salary amounts for the upcoming year and the garnishment amounts are based on salary percentages.
• Click
Yes to update both the current year and next year records.
• Click
No to update only the next year records.
This also occurs when changes are made in the current year records and next year records exist.
• Click
Yes to update both the current year and next year records.
• Click
No to update only the current year records.