Run final payroll calculations

Payroll > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll

Run the final calculations for the selected payroll. Only pay dates that have not been processed and posted can be run from this page.

Perform all steps listed in step 12 and verify that the final payroll calculations are accurate. Continue with the below steps to complete the run payroll process.

❏ Click Next to continue to the Payroll Check Test Pattern page. Otherwise, click Back to go back to the previous page or click Cancel to exit the run payroll process.

Payroll Check Test Pattern Page

The Payroll Check Test Pattern page is used to preview and print the payroll checks. Use the scroll bars to view and verify the alignment of the check. If the local education agency (LEA) is using electronic signatures for checks, click Check Signatures.

❏ Click Next to continue. Otherwise, click Back to go back to the previous page or click Cancel to exit the run payroll process. If you click Next, the actual payroll checks are displayed. Only one check is displayed at a time.

Note: Be sure to verify printer settings.

❏ Choose from the following options:

  • Click Previous Check to view the last check again.
  • Click Next Check to view the next payroll check.
  • Click Print. The Printer Selection pop-up window opens.
    • Under Page Range, select All or Pages. If Pages is selected, type the page range (e.g., 1-12) to print.
    • Click Print. The pop-up window closes.
  • Click Check Signature to open Check Signature pop-up window and to customize these options for individual checks.

❏ Click Next to continue. Otherwise, click Back to go back to the previous page or click Cancel to exit the run payroll process.

Did the checks print correctly?The system default is Yes. If the checks did not print correctly, click Drop-down Arrow to select No to enable the Reprint checks starting from check number and Starting new check number fields. This field is disabled if no physical checks are created for the processed payroll (i.e., all employees included in the payroll have direct deposit/EFT).
Reprint checks starting from check numberType the six-digit check number of the first check that did not print correctly.
Starting new check numberThe system default is the next starting six-digit check number. This field can be changed.


❏ Click Next to continue. Otherwise, click Back to go back to the previous page or click Cancel to exit the run payroll process. If you click Next, the create backup and post page is displayed.

IMPORTANT: Do not skip this step. Click Create Backup. The export pay tables pop-up window opens allowing you to export the payroll tables.

Create Backup Page

Export Pop-up Window

  • If you create an export when processing Regular or Supplemental payroll calculations, the data is exported to database tables, and the external .rsf file is no longer generated. As a result, the table names are no longer displayed during the export. Database tables can be imported using the Import HR Tables From Database Tables utility.
  • If an export is run, it will overwrite the previous export database tables created for the pay frequency as only one set of payroll export database tables can exist per pay frequency.
  • If you process payroll calculations for a check issue (adjustment cycle greater than zero), the external .rsf file is generated and the table names are displayed during the export.
    • Click Yes to create the export. A progress message is displayed.
    • Click No to create the export.

Export Message

A message is displayed if the export was successful.

Post Payroll Page

Was the export successfully run?Select if the export was successful.
Would you like to post to master?This field is enabled. Select to post to the master. The Post button is enabled.

❏ Click Post! A message is displayed indicating that the posting was completed successfully. Click OK. The Post button is disabled and the Next button is enabled.

❏ Click Next to continue. If you click Next after running the payroll check process, print the Payroll Reports.

Under Payroll Reports:

❏ Select the Gen Rpt checkbox next to each report you want to generate or click Select ALL to select all reports. Review and print the reports as needed.

❏ On each report, under Sort Order, type the one-character letter that represents the sort option to be applied. Available sort options are listed under Sort Options. If the field is blank, no sort options are available.

❏ Click Generate Reports. The system displays the first report selected. Verify the report data is correct.

❏ Click Consolidate Rpts to combine the selected reports into one continuous report. This allows one PDF report to be created (instead of a PDF for each report).

❏ When all totals are verified, click Finish to close the Run Payroll page.