Field Description
Group Code

Click Drop-down Arrow to select a bank account group code from the list. All fund codes and years that exist for the group code are displayed.

❏ Click +Add to add a fund to the selected group code.

FundType the three-digit fund code.
Fscl YrType the one-digit fiscal year. It is recommended to type X to mask the fiscal year.
ObjType the four-digit object code. Object codes in the 1100-1199 and 1800-1999 ranges are allowed.
SobjType the two-digit subobject code.
Investment TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the investment type. This field is optional and affects the Finance Cash Position by Bank reports.

Note: Investment accounts are not extracted on the Bank Reconciliation > Maintenance > Bank Transactions > Create Transactions tab.

Investment DescriptionType the investment description. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.

❏ Click Save.