Set up purchasing permissions

District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Purchasing Permissions

Complete the applicable fields to provide additional purchasing permissions to a user who is authorized to create requisitions, approve requisitions, or inquire about requisitions.

District Admin User Profile Purchasing Permissions Tab

Global AccessSelect to allow the user to view all account codes in reports and inquiries.

If not selected, only accounts and inquiries for the account codes listed on the user's profile (District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Accounts tab) can be viewed.

Select to allow the user to create an encumbrance that is greater than the budget amount for the account code when creating or submitting a requisition. It is important to note that the override capability is tied to the requestor (not the originator) on the Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Requisition page. When creating a requisition and this user is selected as a requestor, then the override is applicable. If this user is selected as an originator but not as a requestor, and the requestor does not have override capability, then no override occurs.

If selected, Overexpend is cleared, Overexpend Pct is reset to zero, and both fields are disabled.

If not selected and the user (originator) attempts to create an encumbrance that is greater than the budget amount of the account code for the requestor, an error message that the encumbrance exceeds the budget amount for the account code is displayed when the user (originator) attempts to submit or save the requisition. The user (originator) cannot submit or save the requisition.

OverexpendSelect to allow the user to expend an amount greater than what was provided in the requisition.

If selected, you must indicate the maximum percentage over the expenditure in the Overexpend Pct field. The system will calculate using any percent entered (e.g., 999%).
Req MaxType the maximum dollar amount per requisition that the user is allowed to expend per requisition. Even if the user is allowed to overexpend, the user cannot exceed the amount in the Req Max field. The requisition maximum amount must be less than or equal to 999,999,999.99.
YTD AmtIndicates the total dollar amount already expended by the user in the fiscal year. It also includes soft encumbrances. The field is display only.
YTD MaxType the maximum dollar amount that the user can expend in the fiscal year. If the amount in the YTD Amt field is greater than the amount in the YTD Max field, the requisition is not created. The amount is based on the user, not the account. The year-to-date maximum amount must be less than or equal to 999,999,999.99.
Bundle RequisitionsSelect to allow the user access to bundle requisitions in Purchasing.
BuyerSelect to identify the user as a buyer for purchasing/commodity code purposes.

If Restrict Commodity Codes to Buyer is selected on the District Administration > Options > Purchasing/Warehouse page, then only Buyers can view the Commodity Code field on the Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Contract Requisition & Create/Modify Contract Requisition pages. If Restrict Commodity Codes to Buyer is not selected, then all users can view the Commodity Code field.

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