Payroll > Payroll Processing > TRS Processing > Maintenance
This tab is used to add, edit, and delete Employee Demographic, Regular Payroll, and Employment After Retirement records for TRS reporting.
Access the RE Portal Resources page for additional reporting information and complete file record layouts.
ED Records
Under Employee Demographic (ED) Type, a list of ED record types with the number of existing records (Nbr of Records) is displayed.
The record count is displayed under Nbr of Records.
The button is not displayed if there are existing records for the ED20, ED25, and ED90.
❏ Click to view the record details. The corresponding maintenance pop-up window opens with the record details.
If there are multiple records for a record type (ED40, ED45, ER25, ER27), click to toggle between the records.
❏ Click to delete a record. A warning message informing you that the selected record type will be deleted is displayed.
For record types that may have multiple records (ED40, ED45), a pop-up window opens with a list of TRS position codes for the existing records. Select the TRS position code records to be deleted.
❏ Click Select. A warning message informing you that the selected record type will be deleted is displayed.
❏ Click to add a record. The corresponding maintenance pop-up window opens allowing you to add and save data.
❏ Complete the necessary fields and click Add to add the record. When the record is successfully added, an Add Successful message is displayed and the Add button is disabled.
❏ Click Close to close the pop-up window.
The Nbr of Records count is increased by one.
ED20 Demographic record details.
The ED20 Demographic record is used to report an employee's demographic information. An ED20 record must be submitted for all new employees including employees who were previously terminated and rehired. This does not apply to retirees. The ED20 record is submitted to TRS at the beginning of a new school year and each month for new employees.
Note: If an ED20 record has been submitted and corrections are required, submit an ED25 (Demo Adj) record the following month. Do not send both an ED20 and an ED25 record for the same employee in the same month.
❏ Under Demo Information, the employee's demographic information is automatically populated from the employee's demographic record. Update the fields as needed.
❏ Under Address:
❏ Under Contact Info:
Phone Nbr | Type the employee's 10-digit phone number. |
Work E-mail | Type the employee's work e-mail address. The field can be a maximum of 100 characters. |
ED25 Adjustment record details.
The ED25 Demographic Adjustment tab is used to report adjustments to an employee's previously submitted ED20 (Demo) record.
ED25 records are not created for changes made to a terminated employee's demographic record.
Note: If an ED20 record has been submitted and corrections are required, submit an ED25 record the following month. Do not send both an ED20 and an ED25 record for the same employee in the same month.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under New Demo Information:
❏ Under Original Demo Information, the following fields must be completed.
❏ Under New Address:
Notes: If you need to delete data in a field, complete the field by typing X's for the maximum number of characters allowed in that specific field.
If any field under New Address is updated, all of the applicable New Address fields must be completed
❏ Under New Contact Info:
Phone Nbr | Type only corrections to the employee's previously submitted 10-digit phone number. |
Work E-mail | Type only corrections to the employee's previously submitted work e-mail address. The field can be a maximum of 100 characters. |
ED40 Contract and Position record details.
The ED40 record is used to report an employee's new employment and position records. This record reports contract and position information on each employee before the start of employment and before the submittal of regular payroll contributions for the first time.
Multiple ED40 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple jobs. If the various jobs fall within the same position code, then only one record should be submitted per position code. In that scenario, the ED40 records should include the employee's primary position information.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under Position:
❏ Under Contract:
ED45 Contract and Position Adjustment record details.
The ED45 record is used to adjust an employee's previously submitted and TRS-accepted ED40 record.
Note: All Original fields must be completed and at least one New field.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under New Position:
❏ Under Original Position:
❏ Under New Contract:
❏ Under Original Contract:
❏ Under Adjustment:
ED90 Termination record details.
The ED90 record is used to report an employee who no longer has a contract or work agreement with the local education agency (LEA). The tab is necessary to process refunds and other retirements.
The ED90 record is submitted to TRS in the same month that the final transaction for the employee is reported on the Regular Payroll Report. For employees in TRS-eligible positions, the final transaction may be the final salary and deposits, or previously reported salary and deposit adjustments. For employees in TRS-ineligible positions, the final transaction may be the final salary or a previously reported salary adjustment.
The ED90 record and the final transaction reported through the Regular Payroll Report must be submitted before TRS can process a refund, death claim, or retirement for a member. If the final transaction month was incorrectly reported on the ED90, you must submit a new ED90 to replace the originally reported month.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under Termination:
Date | Type the employee's last date of employment in the MMDDYYYY format. |
Reason | Click ![]()
• D - Death |
❏ Under Final Pay:
Under Regular Payroll (RP) Type, a list of RP records is displayed with the TRS Position Code, Days Worked, Total Gross Pay, and Adj Mo/Year.
❏ Click to view the record details. The corresponding maintenance pop-up window is displayed with the record details.
❏ Click to delete a record. A warning message informing you that the selected record type will be deleted is displayed.
❏ Click to add a record. The corresponding maintenance pop-up window is displayed allowing you to add and save data. Complete the necessary fields and click Add to add the record.
When the record is successfully added, an Add Successful message is displayed and the Add button is disabled.
❏ Click Close to close the pop-up window.
If an RP record is added with a different TRS position code, a separate row is added to the grid.
RP20 Regular Payroll record details.
The RP20 record is used to report TRS-eligible and non TRS-eligible employees' compensation and contribution information. Multiple RP20 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple jobs; one RP20 for each TRS position code. If the various jobs fall within the same position code, only one RP20 record should be submitted per TRS position code.
Per TRS, when reporting employees in non TRS-eligible positions, the only compensation data to be reported is the total gross compensation, no contribution data should be reported. The only exception is that employees in non-eligible positions may purchase Special Service through payroll deduction. Therefore, service credit purchase deduction may be reported for these employees. In addition, the hours worked/scheduled and days worked data must be reported for ALL employees.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under Job Info:
❏ Under Monthly Amount:
TRS Gross | Type the amount of regular TRS-eligible compensation reported for the employee in the current month. Do not include performance pay. |
TRS Grant Gross | Type the amount of eligible compensation for the reporting period, if any, paid from Federal funds or private grants. |
Emplr TRS Care Contrib | Type the reporting entity's contribution to TRS Care based on eligible compensation reported for the current month. |
Perfor Pay Gross | Type the amount of performance pay reported for the employee in the current month. |
TRS Care | Type the employee's member contribution to TRS-Care based on regular eligible compensation reported for the current month. |
TRS Grant Deposit | Type the state matching contribution amount based on eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants. |
Emplr New Member Contrib | Type the state matching contribution on eligible compensation paid to a new TRS member during the first 90 days. |
State Min | Type the amount of current state minimum eligible compensation. |
TRS Sal Reduction | Type the amount of regular monthly member retirement contribution reported for the employee in the current month. |
TRS Grant Care | Type the state TRS-Care matching contribution amount based on eligible compensation paid from a Federal fund or private grant. |
Emplr TRS Non-OASDI Contrib | Type the local education agency's (LEA) contribution amount for TRS-eligible compensation paid to employees. State Min x 0.015 = Public Education Employer Contribution (EC) (Previously known as the TRS Non-OASDI Contribution) |
Stat Min Contrib | Type the state's matching contribution on the amount of eligible compensation paid above the state minimum eligible compensation. |
Total Gross Pay | Type the employee's total gross compensation amount. |
❏ Under Service Credit:
RP25 Regular Payroll Adjustment record details.
The RP25 record is used to report adjustments to an employee's previously reported compensation and contribution information. RP25 Payroll Adjustment records can be used to correct an incorrectly submitted RP20 or to add a detail record omitted from a previous report. This is a net difference transaction.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under Job Info:
❏ Under Monthly Amount:
TRS Gross | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of regular eligible compensation, Do not include performance pay. |
TRS Grant Gross | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants for the adjustment month. |
Emplr TRS Care Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the reporting entity's contribution to TRS Care based on eligible compensation reported for the adjustment month. |
Perfor Pay Gross | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of performance pay. |
TRS Care | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the member's contribution to TRS Care based on regular eligible compensation reported for the adjustment month. |
TRS Grant Deposit | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state's matching contribution based on eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants for the adjustment month. |
Emplr New Member Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state's matching contribution on eligible compensation paid to a new TRS member during the first 90 days of employment. |
State Min | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state minimum compensation for the adjustment month. |
TRS Sal Reduction | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the regular monthly member retirement contribution reported. |
TRS Grant Care | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state TRS Care matching contribution based on eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants for the adjustment month. |
Emplr TRS Non-OASDI Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the local education agency's (LEA) contribution amount for TRS-eligible compensation paid to employees. |
Stat Min Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state's matching contribution for eligible compensation paid above the state minimum. |
Total Gross Pay | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of total gross compensation. |
❏ Under Service Credit:
❏ Under Adj Report Period:
Under Employment After Retirement (ER) Type, a list of ER record types with the number of existing records (Nbr of Records) is displayed. The ER table functions the same as the ED table.
The record count is displayed under Nbr of Records.
The button is not displayed if there are existing records for the ER20, ER25, and ER27.
❏ Click to view the record details. The corresponding maintenance pop-up window opens with the record details.
If there are multiple records for a record type (ED40, ED45, ER25, ER27), click to toggle between the records.
❏ Click to delete a record. A warning message informing you that the selected record type will be deleted is displayed.
❏ Click to add a record. If ER25 or ER27 is selected and the employee already has an ER20 record, the following warning message is displayed.
If you click Yes, a pop-up window is displayed allowing you to add and save data. Complete the necessary fields and click Add to add the record. When the record is successfully added, an Add Successful message is displayed and the Add button is disabled.
When the record is successfully added, an Add Successful message is displayed and the Add button is disabled.
❏ Click Close to close the pop-up window.
The Nbr of Records count is increased by one.
ER20 Employment of Retirees record details.
The ER20 record is used to report employment information for retirees, regardless of retirement date or retirement type.
ER20 records are extracted per Primary Job and per Retiree Exception, the Retiree Exception will be the Retiree Employment Type if selected.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
❏ Under Employment:
❏ Under Amount:
Total Gross Pay | Type the retiree’s total gross compensation amount. |
Pension Surcharge | Type the amount of pension surcharge due based on retiree's employment, if any. |
TRS Care Surcharge | Type the amount of TRS Care surcharge due based on retiree's employment, if any. |
❏ Click Save.
ER25 Employment of Retirees Add Adjustment record details.
The ER25 record is used to report an adjustment that adds a record to a previously reported Employment After Retirement report.
Under Employment:
Under Amount:
Total Gross Pay | Type the retiree’s total gross compensation amount. |
Pension Surcharge | Type the amount of pension surcharge due based on retiree's employment, if any. |
TRS Care Surcharge | Type the amount of TRS-Care surcharge due based on retiree's employment, if any. |
Under Adjusted Report:
ER27 Employment of Retirees Edit Adjustment record details.
The ER27 record is used to report an adjustment (i.e., edit or deletion of a record) to a previously reported record on an Employment After Retirement report.
The ER27 is used to edit a previously submitted and TRS-accepted ER20 or ER25 record. If one or more of the following fields is adjusted, a net difference transaction must be reported:
Additionally, the ER27 is used to delete a previously submitted and TRS-accepted ER20 or ER25 record. When deleting a record that was previously reported in error, all of the following data must net to zero:
Under New Employment:
Under Original Employment:
Under Amount:
Total Gross Pay | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct total gross compensation amount. |
Pension Surcharge | Type the net difference between the amount originally reported and the correct amount of pension surcharge due, if any. |
TRS Care Surcharge | Type the net difference between the amount originally reported and the correct amount of TRS Care surcharge due, if any. |
Under Adjusted Report: