GP1100 - Grant Payment Transaction Report

Grants and Projects > Reports > SSA Grant Reports > Grant Payment Transaction Report

This report provides a list of grant payment transactions.

Parameter Parameter Description
Sort by Grant (T), Member (M)T - Sort the report by grant type.

M - Sort the report by grant member/county district number.

This is a required field.
From Date (MMDDYYYY)Type the from date in the MMDDYYYY format for which you want to retrieve grant transactions. This is a required field.
To Date (MMDDYYYY)Type the to date in the MMDDYYYY format for which you want to retrieve grant transactions. This is a required field.
Select Grant Type(s) or blank for ALL Type a grant type separating multiple types with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select a grant type(s). Otherwise, leave blank to include all grant types.
Select Member(s) or blank for ALLType a six-digit member/county district number separating multiple numbers with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select a member(s). Otherwise, leave blank to include all members.

Generate the report.