GP1200 - Past Final Date Without Final Report

Grants and Projects > Reports > SSA Grant Reports > Past Final Date Without Final Report

This report provides a list of grant years and IDs that have a Final Report Due Date without a reimbursement transaction designated as the final reimbursement for the grant year and grant ID before the date entered in the Effective Date report parameter.

Parameter Parameter Description
Effective Date (MMDDYYYY)Type the effective date in the MMDDYYYY format from which you want to retrieve grant transactions. This is a required field.
Select Grant Year (YYYY) or blank for ALLType a grant year in the YYYY format. Or, leave blank to include all grant years and IDs regardless of grant year.
Select Grant Type(s) or blank for ALL Type a grant type separating multiple types with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select a grant type(s). Otherwise, leave blank to include all grant types.
Select Member(s) or blank for ALLType a six-digit member/county district number separating multiple numbers with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select a member(s). Otherwise, leave blank to include all members.

Generate the report.