Create EFT File - GRT8020

Grants and Projects > Utilities > Grant Payments > Create EFT File

This page is used to create an EFT file for the bank to process EFT payments for grant reimbursement requests.

Electronic fund transfer (EFT) is a method of electronically transferring funds to a vendor for payment. The transfer is accomplished by creating an EFT file during a payment run. The file is sent to the bank to be transmitted to an automated clearing house (ACH). The ACH is a centralized, federal reserve bank that transmits the necessary data for electronically transferring funds to the vendor's participating depository financial institution (DFI).


Create an EFT file:

There are two types of EFT file options available on this tab.

❏ Under File Type:

Field Description
Grant PaymentsIf selected, all EFT grant payments for the selected date time stamp(s) are included in the EFT file. If multiple date time stamp records are selected, all records will be included in the same file. A list of data from the last ten check runs is displayed in the grid.
Pre-NoteIf selected, all members with PreNote selected on the Grants and Projects > Tables > SSA Members > Bank Code tab are included in the file. The file is sorted by member number. After the prenote file is generated, the PreNote field is cleared on the Bank Code tab.
Effective DateType the effective date for the EFT file in the MM-DD-YYYY format. This is the date that the bank will transfer the funds to the vendor's bank.

❏ A list of available EFT payments or payment groups is displayed with the following details:

  • Check Date - Displays the date on the check.
  • Check Processing Date - Displays the date of the actual check run regardless of the Check Date.
  • From EFT Nbr - Displays the beginning Finance EFT number for the check run.
  • To EFT Nbr - Displays the ending Finance EFT number for the check run.

❏ Select the payments to be included in the EFT file. If Pre-Note is selected, payments cannot be selected.

❏ Click Create EFT File to create the EFT file. If Pre-Note is selected, the Grants and Projects EFT Pre-Note Report is displayed with a zero transaction. Otherwise, the Grants and Projects EFT Report is displayed with a list of transactions to be processed. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to proceed. A dialog box is displayed with a preset File name.

  • If Grant Payments is selected, the GRANTS_EFT_MMDDYYYY file is generated with the actual EFT payments for each vendor.
  • If Pre-Note is selected, the GRANTS_Prenote_MMDDYYYY file is generated for those members with Pre-Note selected on their bank information record.

You can type a different name for the file, and save the file on your computer or network.

❏ Click Cancel to close the report and return the Create EFT file tab.