This page was removed as a result of the TRS rewrite.
Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Regular Payroll (RP) > RP20 (Payroll)
This tab is used to report TRS-eligible and non TRS-eligible employees' compensation and contribution information. Multiple RP20 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple jobs; one RP20 for each TRS position code. If the various jobs fall within the same position code, only one RP20 record should be submitted per TRS position code.
Per TRS, when reporting employees in non TRS-eligible positions, the only compensation data to be reported is the total gross compensation, no contribution data should be reported. The only exception is that employees in non-eligible positions may purchase Special Service through payroll deduction. Therefore, service credit purchase deduction may be reported for these employees. In addition, the hours worked/scheduled and days worked data must be reported for ALL employees.
Click here to access the TEAM Report Formatting Guide - ISDs, Charters, and ESCs for additional reporting information and complete file record layouts.
This tab consists of a grid at the top and a free-form area at the bottom.
Click Retrieve. The selected information is displayed.
Click Directory to search for an employee.
Click to view additional details for a row in the free-form area.
In the free-form area, the Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are display only.
To add another row, click +Add. A new row is added with the cursor in the Emp Nbr field. In the Emp Nbr field of the free-form area, type or select an employee number, and then press TAB. Data associated with the employee number is displayed. You can edit and save the data. If an employee is selected from the Directory, a new row is added. If multiple rows are selected from the Directory, all of the employees are added as new rows in the grid area.
Under Job Info:
Under Monthly Amount:
TRS Gross | Type the amount of regular TRS-eligible compensation reported for the employee in the current month. Do not include performance pay. |
TRS Care | Type the employee's member contribution to TRS-Care based on regular eligible compensation reported for current month. |
TRS Sal Reduction | Type the amount of regular monthly member retirement contribution reported for the employee in the current month. |
Total Gross Pay | Type the employee's total gross compensation amount. |
TRS Grant Gross | Type the amount of eligible compensation for the reporting period, if any, paid from Federal funds or private grants. |
TRS Grant Deposit | Type the state matching contribution amount based on eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants. |
TRS Grant Care | Type the state TRS-Care matching contribution amount based on eligible compensation paid from a Federal fund or private grant. |
Emplr TRS Care Contrib | Type the reporting entity's contribution to TRS Care based on eligible compensation reported for the current month. |
Emplr New Member Contrib | Type the state matching contribution on eligible compensation paid to a new TRS member during the first 90 days. |
Emplr TRS Non OASDI Contrib | Type the local education agency's (LEA) contribution amount for TRS-eligible compensation paid to employees for whom the LEA does not pay Social Security. |
Perfor Pay Gross | Type the amount of performance pay reported for the employee in the current month. |
Adj State Min | Type the amount of current adjusted state minimum eligible compensation. |
Stat Min Contrib | Type the state's matching contribution on amount of eligible compensation paid above the adjusted state minimum eligible compensation. |
Under Service Credit:
Click Save.
Retrieve | Retrieve data. | |
![]() | Delete a row. |