HRS6050 - Contract Balance Variance Report

Payroll > Reports > Payroll Information Reports > Contract Balance Variance Report

The report prints the exceptions for contracted and noncontracted personnel when the contract balance does not equal the pay rate times the number of remaining payments. These differences can occur due to rounding. The LEA must determine the acceptable difference if any.

Parameter Parameter Description
Sort by Alpha (A), Pay Campus (C), Primary Campus (P)A - Sort the report alphabetically.

C - Sort the report by pay campus.

P - Sort the report by primary campus.

This is a required field.
Maximum Acceptable DifferenceType an amount to include only those employees with a difference greater than the acceptable amount in social security number order.
Pay Status Active (A), Inactive (I), or blank for ALLA - Print active employees only.

I - Print inactive employees only.

Blank - Print both active and inactive employees.
Pay Type 1-4, or blank for ALL1-4 - Include employees with a specific pay type (e.g., 1) on the report.

Blank - Include all employees on the report.
Select Pay Campus(es), or blank for ALLType the three-digit campus ID number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple campus ID numbers with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for pay campuses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all campus ID numbers.
Select Primary Campus(es), or blank for ALLType the three-digit campus ID number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple campus ID numbers with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for primary campuses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all campus ID numbers.
Select Employee(s), or blank for ALLType the employee number separating multiple employee numbers with a comma. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for employees. Otherwise, leave blank to use all employee numbers.

Generate the report.