Bank Codes - HRS2600

Payroll > Tables > Bank Codes > Bank Codes

This tab is used to enter and maintain information about banks participating in direct deposit via electronic fund transfer (EFT). In order for an employee to receive a direct deposit, you must indicate a specific bank for the employee. The bank must be approved by the LEA and entered in the bank table before the bank code can be entered in the employee information.

You can add or edit information in the bank table at any time. The bank name, address, telephone, and contact person information can be updated by accessing the bank code, changing the data, and saving the changes. If the bank code is incorrect, you must delete the incorrect code, and then add the new code. You cannot delete codes that exist in pay history or are currently assigned to employees receiving direct deposit.

Set up bank codes:

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
Bank CodeType the bank code the LEA has assigned to the bank. If the information has already been entered for this code, it is displayed when the code is entered. The field can be a maximum of three characters.
Bank NameType the bank name. The name is printed on the summary check that is issued to the bank and on the bank account listing which provides information about the distribution of the check.
Route Number Type the nine-digit routing number to use for the electronic funds transfer.
Street NbrType the street address number if used.
Street NameType the street name.
CityType the name of the city where the bank is located.
StateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the two-character code of the state where the bank is located.
ZipType the five-digit zip code of the bank's location.
Zip 4Type the four-digit zip code, if used.
Contact Type the name of the contact person at the bank who is responsible for processing electronic funds transfers.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to print bank table data. The following Bank Table options are displayed:

Current Tab Page - prints only the tab page currently open.
Selected Code Tables - displays the following Bank Table options:

Bank Code Table
EFT Code Table

All Code Tables - prints all the Bank Code tab pages.

Select an option and click OK to view a copy of the report. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the tab.

Review the report.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.