EmployeePortal Options - HRS2050

Payroll > Tables > District EP Options > EmployeePortal Options

This tab is used to manage settings in ASCENDER EmployeePortal. These settings allow the LEA to determine the information and features which their employees can access in EmployeePortal.

Set EmployeePortal options:

❏ Select Employee Number or Social Security Number to identify the number to be used for each employee in EmployeePortal. By default, the Employee Number is selected.

Note: New users will be asked to enter this number when creating a new EmployeePortal account, and existing users will be asked to enter this number if they forget their password and need to reset it.

❏ Under Enable, select the information or features to enable for your users in EmployeePortal.

Field Description
EmployeePortal SystemSelect to enable EmployeePortal.
Calendar Year to DateSelect to allow the Calendar Year to Date page to be displayed.
Current Pay InformationSelect to allow the Current Pay Information page to be displayed.
DeductionsSelect to allow the Deductions page to be displayed.
EarningsSelect to allow the Earnings page to be displayed.
Leave BalancesSelect to allow the Leave Balances page to be displayed.
W-2 InformationSelect to allow the W-2 Information page to be displayed.
Self-Service DemographicSelect to allow the Self-Service Assignments - Demographic page to be displayed.

Note: If LEAs choose to allow users to change their passwords via the Self-Service menu in EmployeePortal, the Self-Service Demographic and/or Payroll fields must be selected. If both of these fields are blank, users will not be able to access the Self-Service menu in portal and therefore cannot change their passwords.

Self-Service PayrollSelect to allow the Self-Service Assignments - Payroll page to be displayed.

Note: If LEAs choose to allow users to change their passwords via the Self-Service menu in EmployeePortal, the Self-Service Demographic and/or Payroll fields must be selected. If both of these fields are blank, users will not be able to access the Self-Service menu in portal and therefore cannot change their passwords.

W-2 Electronic Consent

Select to allow the W-2 Consent button to be displayed. If not selected, W-2 forms are printed for all employees.

Note: If W-2 Information is selected giving the employee access to the EmployeePortal > Inquiry > W-2 Information page, the W-2 Consent button is displayed and enabled on the W-2 Information page whether or not W-2 Electronic Consent is selected.

1095 InformationSelect to allow the 1095 Information page to be displayed.
1095 Electronic Consent

Select to allow the 1095 Consent button to be displayed. If not selected, 1095 forms are printed and mailed to all employees.

Note: If 1095 Information is selected giving the employee access to the EmployeePortal > Inquiry > 1095 Information page, the 1095 Consent button is displayed and enabled on the 1095 Information page whether or not 1095 Electronic Consent is selected.

Leave RequestSelect to enable the Leave Request feature.
Travel Reimbursement RequestSelect to enable the Travel Reimbursement Request feature.
WorkJournalSelect to enable the WorkJournal feature.

❏ Under Messages, you can select one or more of the following pages to display a custom LEA-wide message on the page in EmployeePortal. All users who log on to EmployeePortal and access the page will see the message.

When a field is selected, a text box is displayed allowing you to add, delete, or modify a message. The message can be a maximum of 500 characters and is displayed in red at the top of the page in EmployeePortal.

Calendar Year to Date
Current Pay Information
Leave Balances
W-2 Information
Self-Service Demographic
Self-Service Payroll
W-2 Electronic Consent
1095 Information
1095 Electronic Consent
Leave Request
Travel Reimbursement Request
Show Processed Leave TransactionsSelect to allow users to view processed leave on the Leave Balances page.
Show Unprocessed Leave TransactionsSelect to allow users to view unprocessed leave on the Leave Balances page.
Number of Days Prior to Pay Date That Earnings Are Viewable

Type a three-digit maximum number to indicate the number of days prior to a pay date to display the earnings information on the Earnings page in EmployeePortal. By default, the field is set to 0.

If the field is set to 0, the employee can view unlimited earnings information as soon as the earnings are posted.


If the pay date is 10-31:

Type 0 to allow employees to view earnings as soon as they are posted.
Type 1 to allow employees to view earnings on 10-30.
Type 2 to allow employees to view earnings on 10-29.
Type 3 to allow employees to view earnings on 10-28.

W-2 Print - Latest Year

Type the four-digit year of the latest year for which the employees can print an official copy of their W-2.

This field should not be updated until the LEA has run and finalized its W-2s.

W-2s will be copies and will not be used in lieu of the LEA generating W-2s.

W-2s will be printed in the official format (as determined by the IRS) and can be used as the original.

The field contains the latest year available to print. If the field is left blank, employees will not have the option to print a copy of any of their W-2s. The earliest available form in the system is 2009 so an earlier year will not be accepted.

EmployeePortal URLType the web address for the LEA's EmployeePortal.
Set Prenote IndicatorSelect to indicate if the account is a prenote account. This is for accounts added as a direct deposit in the EmployeePortal payroll information section.
Number of Direct Deposit Accounts Are Allowed

Type a two-digit maximum number to indicate the number of direct deposit accounts allowed by the district. These accounts will be displayed in EmployeePortal. By default, the Number of Direct Deposit Accounts Are Allowed field is set to 0.

If the Number of Direct Deposit Accounts Are Allowed field is set to 0, and the employee does not have any direct deposit accounts in Payroll, the employee will not be allowed to add one through EmployeePortal > Self-Service.

If the Number of Direct Deposit Accounts Are Allowed field is set to 0, and the employee has one or more direct deposit accounts in Payroll, the employee will not be allowed to add one through EmployeePortal > Self-Service but will be able to modify and delete existing accounts.

Use PMIS for Supervisor LevelsSelect to reference the Position Management Information System (PMIS) to determine an employee's supervisor. This option obtains the supervisor employee number from the employee's primary position to determine the appropriate approval path for the employee's leave request.
Force Entry of Leave Hours RequestedSelect to force the employee to enter the number of requested leave hours. If selected, the number of requested leave hours is not automatically calculated.
Meal Break for Leave CalculationType the number of hours to be included in the hours per day calculation if a leave request exceeds five hours. An amount must be entered if a meal break is to be subtracted from the hours per day calculation. Valid values are 0.00-9.99.
Disable Temporary Approvers in EPSelect to disable the Temporary Approver functionality. After the record is saved, all current temporary approvers are deleted and the Set Temporary Approvers menu is hidden from the Supervisors menu in EmployeePortal.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

PrintClick to print the report. Review the report.