Unemployment - HRS2400

Payroll > Tables > Tax/Deductions > Unemployment

This tab is used to maintain updated information concerning unemployment calculations. The information in the table is obtained from the Texas Workforce Commission or the LEA's unemployment insurance carrier.

Set up unemployment data:

Field Description
Calendar YearThe current calendar year is displayed in the YYYY format. Verify that you are in the correct calendar year. If not, type the four-digit calendar year and click Retrieve to retrieve the applicable records for that year.
Employer Type

Click Drop-down Arrow to select an employer type.

R - Reimbursable

A reimbursable employer:

Pays into the state unemployment fund, in lieu of taxes, an amount equal to the amount of benefits paid to former employees for service while employed by the employer.

Reports wages for employees and is billed quarterly for the amount of regular benefits and 50% of the extended benefits paid to former employees during the prior quarter.

Makes no tax payments but is subject to the same penalties for failure to file reports and/or make payments on time.

T - Taxable

A taxable employer:

Pays a tax assessed by the TWC based on taxable wages paid during a quarter, multiplied by the effective tax rate of the employer.

Reports the total amount of gross wages and the total amount of taxable wages paid, and provides employee wage list with all employee names/social security numbers/total gross wage paid quarterly.

Pays tax quarterly.

Unemployment RateType the percent rate determined or assigned by the TWC (e.g., 0.4985% for 0.004985).
Maximum Gross Salary

Type the maximum amount of an employee salary on which unemployment is calculated.

If no maximum is assigned, type 9,999,999.99.

If the field is left blank, the system considers the maximum salary to be 0,000,000.00. Since this value is reached before the first paycheck is issued, the unemployment is not calculated.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to delete all tax tables for the calendar year except TRS rates. A warning message is displayed and prompts you to confirm that you want to delete all tax tables.

Click Yes to delete the tax tables for the calendar year.
Click No to not delete the tax tables and return to the current tab.


Click to print tax table data. The following Tax Table options are displayed:

Current Tab Page - prints only the tab page currently open.
Selected Code Tables - displays the following Tax Table Selection options:

FIT Exemption
FIT Tables
TRS Rates
Annuity Rates
Workers' Comp
Deduction Codes

All Code Tables - prints all the Tax/Deductions tab pages.
Select an option, and then click OK to view a copy of the report. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the tab.

Review the report.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.