Position Record - HRS6130

Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Supplement Modify > Position Record

This tab is used to maintain the supplement position record for each supplement position in the LEA.

Modify a record:

Field Description
Position Number

Begin typing a position number, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a position number from the list. The field can be a maximum of 13 characters. Leading zeros are not required. However, if alphanumeric values are entered, the field is not zero-filled.

If the position number is not known, click Ellipsis Icon. The Positions pop-up window opens with a list of all positions.

To search for specific positions, type data in one or more of the search fields.
Click Search. A list of data that matches the search criteria is displayed.

Select a position number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Position Description

Begin typing a position description, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a position description from the list.

If the position description is not known, click Ellipsis Icon. The Positions pop-up window opens with a list of all positions.

To search for specific positions, type data in one or more of the search fields.
Click Search. A list of data that matches the search criteria is displayed.

Select a position number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

The position Description field in the top grid is only enabled for editing if the Allow CYR Position Description Changes (Admin only) field is selected on the District Administration > Options > PMIS District Options page.

❏ Click Retrieve. The associated billet information is displayed.

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to display the position detail information for the selected position.

❏ Under Occupant:

Employee NbrType the employee number, or click Ellipsis Icon to select one from the list.
Employee NamePopulated based on the selected Employee Nbr.
RecalculateSelect to recalculate the supplemental pay amount during the forecast processing.
AmountType the supplement amount.
Remaining PaymentsType the number of payments remaining to be made to the employee during the current contract period. This is a required field.
Nbr Extra DaysType the actual number of days the employee worked.
Attached to PositionType the name of the position attached to the selected supplement position, or click Ellipsis Icon to select one from the list.
BilletType the billet number of the position attached to the selected supplement position. The field can be a maximum of five characters.
Emp Nbr/NameThis field is display only.

❏ Click Calculate Salary to complete the salary calculation.

❏ Under Position:

Accept ChangesSelect to indicate that any changes made in the current year will be reflected in the next year. Any changes made in forecast do not reflect in the current year regardless of the field selection.
StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the status of the supplement position.

A - Active - The position is occupied.

H - Position on Hold - The position is vacant and is not included in the budget.

I - Inactive - The position is vacant and is not included in the budget.

P - Proposed - The position is vacant, never filled, and may become a vacant or active position. A proposed position can be included in the budget if needed.

V - Vacant - The position is vacant and is included in the budget.

FrequencyClick Drop-down Arrow to select a payroll frequency. This is a required field.
School YearType the school year in the YYYY format. This is a required field.
Extra Duty CodeType the extra duty code, or click Ellipsis Icon to select a code from the Extra Duty Code list.
TypeThis field is display only.
CategoryType the code used to categorize positions, or click Ellipsis Icon to select a code from the Category Code list. The field can be a maximum of five characters.
Pay Amount Based on EmployeeSelect to attach the supplement to the position. When selected, the daily rate from the position is multiplied by the extra number of days to calculate the supplement pay amount.
Primary CampusType the campus to which the position is assigned, or click Ellipsis Icon to select a campus from the Campuses list.
DeptType the department code associated with the selected campus.
Max DaysType the maximum number of days this position is funded. This number is used when calculating the annual pay based on a daily rate. It is also used when calculating the annual salary using the annual salary table. This is a required field.
Max PaymentsType the maximum number of days the position is funded. This is a required field.
Max AmountType the maximum amount of the supplement position.
Percent of YearType the percentage of year by which calculate the supplemental pay amount for the new school year flat-rate stipends.

If the percent of day is less than one hundred percent, the percent of day is used to calculate the salary amount by multiplying the percent of day by the amount in the supplemental pay code table for flat-rate stipends.
One Time SupplementSelect if the supplement pay is to be awarded in one payment. If selected, the Pay Date field is required.

Note: For type G accounts, if One Time Supplement is not selected, the supplement will be added to the base salary for the job associated to the Attached to Position field (or the primary job if the Attached to Position field is blank) and will be paid with each contract payment.

Pay DateSelect the date the one-time supplement is to be paid, or click Ellipsis Icon to select a pay date from the Pay Dates list.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.